
If the government gave undocumented workers drivers license would this bring in millions a month ?

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Think about it, with about 12 million undocumented people about 11.5 million use a car or truck to go back and forth to work each day.With 11.5 million undocumented paying a montly rate of $ 50 for a drivers license ,then include insurance,this right here would bring in millions of dollars to states thought out America.Undocumented workers could then be tracked,any accident,their insurance would pay for it and this would end any hit and run accidents.At a time when America is struggling this could bring in much needed you agree this would help everyone ?




  1. Lousy idea and one rejected by the vast majority of Americans. Even though illegal aliens cost Americans hundreds of millions of dollars in higher insurance rates the remedy is not to give them drivers licenses it to arrest them at the scene of their numerous accidents and when they have finished their jail time deport them. Which is pretty much what is happening now in this country. ICE is now combing through the lists of every prison in this country and placing deportation holds on every illegal it can identify.

  2. If you want to bring in Million's of Dollar's have the Illegal Immagrants PAY TAXES!

  3. No I don't agree.

    They aren't supposed to be here.  They are criminals.  We dont give criminals IDs and permission to stay.

    DEPORT Deport deport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I agree with you.

    To the other answerer, Illegal Immigrants do not get any help from government benefits nor do they qualify for it. That is only a myth.

    I don't care if they're illegal or not and the kid is born here, that kid has as much right to any and everything  as a child who was born here by a US Citizen. That child is a US Citizen regardless of it's mother's legal status.

    My Gosh! These people are human beings too.

  5. No can do. It does not matter, if illegals would bring in a million dollars a day. After the terrorist acts of 9-11, Congress passed into law the real id act.This means all states are required by Federal law to comply with that law. This means illegals would have to prove they are citizens of America,with a birth certificate,social security card,two forms of mail that prove you have a home a address.What you are asking may look good in black and white. But to make this happen , it would take an act of Congress and any state currently issuing ids to illegals will soon ordered by home land security to comply with the real id act. This cannot happen unless you can change the laws and that is doubtful

  6. I think it would help. But I think it goes against the tide of anti-illegal immigrant sentiment.

  7. it would bring in about 100 dollars a month,,,if the illegal immigrants are not taking the time to go through the natruralization procewss, what makes you think they will pay 50 bucks a month to have a lisence. im pretty sure theyre fine with driving illegally

  8. Yes,that would bring in a lot of money and it would help.But,I think we should just make a one time fee,like Americans have to pay.Even that would bring in a lot of money.

  9. Yes you are right, remember that these people are not here to drive a car, they are here just to get a job!!!  New Mexico is a state that gives driver licenses to illegals immigrants and they don't have the illegal immigrant population like California.

    And our security will improve remember the Oklahoma bombing on 95, he was track down for his driver license, sometimes police don't have a clue of so many things because these people have to invent identities in order to avoid get caught by immigration officials that;s the reason why we need a comprehensive immigration treform

  10. All it would do is give them more incentive to stay, which would be counter productive.

  11. Wow! Brilliant! That would save the national economy.

  12. Why would you think illegals would follow the law and get a drivers license when they scoff at every other law when they come here?

    Making illegals the least bit legitimate is the wrong tactic if we are ever going to convince them to follow immigration law.

  13. I'm sorry.  Illegal Migrants CANNOT work legally in the US.  And that's that.  The correct term is illegal migrant.  These people are not immigrants.  The word immigrant is reserved specifically for LEGALS only.

    It sounds to me as if you are exonerating the fundamentals within the Constitution in the name of generating income.

    It's clear that illegal immigration has a cost impact to our health care systems,  to our education systems, Identity Theft and other parts of state government.

    Illegals are costing US taxpayers more than the Iraq War! Billions and billions of dollars.

    For example: Up to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. 2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and Social Services by the American taxpayers. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. Nearly One Million s*x Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States

    You want me to go on????

    This is not about race, or xenophobia.  This is about the law - and the stark reality of this burden to our economy. = 338.3 Billion Dollars a year and that's by conservative estimates.

  14. A drivers license is a privilege given to the American citizen not only for driving but identification.  Undocumented workers are here illegally and are not American citizens there is no way the states, or, government will ever issue false identification to those who are committing an illegal act and are not citizens of this country.

    I see your point though about coming up with ways to get revenue.  Keep thinking about it, this one just won't work.

  15. No, this is a horrible idea. Anything where we allow illegals to have the same rights as legal citizens is a bad idea. Couldn't we just make a little money by fining illegals for not having a legal license? That would bring  in quite a bit. But we cannot let them have rights that are supposed to be for citizens of the country.

  16. Survey says, no drivers licence for you Paco, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

    I love the hopes and dreams of illegals and their supporters that will never come true. "Fuzzy" math is what we call bull like yours in my economics class.

  17. for what? so they can drink and drive then run. Besides, its happening, with or without a drivers license.

  18. "The Government" doesn't "give" drivers licenses out.  There are 50 states.  Each state has its own law regarding a drivers license.  Each state, now, is free to license illegal aliens and a few do.

  19. this is false, have you ever seen illegals driving?  there are like 20 in a truck.  they are not going to make any money off of the program since most won't be driving.  besides, the lines at the dmv are worse enough.

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