
If the government is supposed to reflect its public, is it safe to say that we are to blame for today?

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I remember in school how the social studies books always spoke about how the public is supposed to mirror what the government is. Our government now is selfish, corrupt, divided, and petty. Does this mean that the very thing we are seeking to get reform of in our government was originally instilled by us because we are the ones who elected the officials in the first place? Personally, I read the forums and answers to political questions regarding stories and information about both political parties and the public seems to bicker just as much as the politicians do in office. We attack each other more than we do the issues. Do we deserve the government we have now? I think in part we do.




  1. Good point.  and first answerer pretty good too.  We keep electing, and reelecting, so many of these self serving people into office.  

    And most dont bother to find out what the real facts are, they here something and run with it, whether its the real truth or not.

    Ive alwasys liked the saying 'Even if your on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there'  people need to do their homework an then vote with their head and not with their emotions.

  2. Yes.

    Either you have done something wrong or you have failed to do something right.

  3. There is a saying.. People get the government they deserve.. I tend to believe its true. We..and I include me... will sit in our living rooms and complain about taxes, gas prices, corrupt justice system, politicians becoming millionaires in office, you name it...yet not very many of us do a darn thing about it. So in a sense, yeah, we have it coming..

    Millions will vote for their favorite on American Idol, but our local elections, where it all starts, has a 20% voter turn out.. So yeah, as long as we continue to pay 30% income tax, vote bought politicians in year after year...we will get the government we deserve..

    Just my opinion.. I could be wrong

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