
If the government would have known about 9-11 should they have told us?

by  |  earlier

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Now wait and think about it first before you answer. If the government was aware of the terrorist attack on 9-11 should they have told us beforehand?

Now right off the bat, I'd say yes they should have warned us about it and we could have save many lives that day that were lost. However after doing some research and talking with many different people I've kind of hit a middle ground between yes and no. Mostly because I realized that if the government did tell us more than likely extreme panic would have ensued all over the nation. No one had a plan for such a disaster and very few people could think straight in such a situation. So either way it would have been extremely bad.

So I don't know, that was my little blurb about it. What do you think should the government had told us about the attack that happened on 9-11 or did they do the right thing about not saying anything about it?

Remember I'm saying IF they knew about it. (I personally don't know if they did or didn't.)




  1. Ask questions and plenty of them! keep asking until you get all the answers, THEY most certainly did know about it, THEY must be held accountable, soon, very soon!

  2. The government was behind it so obviously they have to cover everything up. Video evidence leaves no doubt the towers were brought down demolition style. Also the debris of the plane over Pennsylvania being spread over 4 miles and Rumfeld's Freudian slip proves it did not crash but was shot down.

  3. I know people that died that day, and I do not believe that for a minute.

  4. I don't think they new about it, if they did they probably wouldn't have told us anyway, because its a government secret.

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