
If the house gets struck by lightning, while your peeing, will you get shocked?

by Guest33997  |  earlier

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phone lines are grounded threw copper rod in the ground, but power lines are grounded threw cold water pipes.

hmmmm.. just a thaught!




  1. It is conceivable.  

    Then again, if you are on the toilet and the house gets a lightning strike, that'll be convenient since it'll scare the c**p out of you ;)

  2. Yes

  3. To apply "MythBusters" experiment about peeing on the third rail, your urine stream needs to be vigorous and completely unbroken to conduct the electrical charge to your body.

  4. lol no your house has a metal pole that lightning will hit and that is if you are the highest house on the block ....if it does hit the pole the pole is run to the ground so the lightning hits the ground and no one gets shocked  by the way lightning doesnt travel through porclein

  5. The metal pipes and the toilet water are both conductors of electric current. If you are peeing at the time of a lightning strike, then it would be possible to get shocked because urine contains ions.

  6. I guess you could.  That sure would be an embarassing headline in the newspaper though.

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