
If the human race was to become extinct would the alien anthropologist say?

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"this species has amused itself to death"




  1. they would say ' that was a good thing '  since they were predators and polluted and destroyed the world wiping out so many other species- I doubt that any aliens would be more cruel than humans

  2. Neil Postman?


  3. Those monkeys were psychotic.

  4. yes I think the alien anthropologist would say exactly that. after all we have every technology available to us, and we can only interact virtually, the human race has reached the critical mass in amusement.

  5. Looks like they were their own worst enemy. No structure, no brains, no life. No way do want to study these.

  6. No, they would say this species hated itself so intensely it finally put itself out of its own misery.

  7. Not amused... more like abused

  8. Oh well , that's another failed experiment  , back to to drawing board

  9. Aliens are probably real but not no where close to us at all.

    but if they did find us they would probably think we deserved to die for ruining such a lucky planet.

  10. Alien anthropologists; "Collect cells and DNA to clone humans so we can watch their antics all over again, great entertainment ever.".

  11. if the alien is a sinatra fan he will sa, they did it there way.

  12. d**n, we gotta repopulate again.

  13. No, they would probably say, "c**p, these were some dumb monkeys."

  14. was it a question or answer


  15. No.

  16. What aliens?  That is a rumor started by the government to scare the population into submission.

    No, seriously, I think they would say "What a bunch of idiots".

  17. he would bid adieu to the most violent planet in the galaxy.

  18. Its dumb luck they didn't die quicker

  19. "We are next"

  20. They would say "It is a good thing humans from different parts of this planet were too busy hating each other, and fighting each other over skin color, religion,  politics, and cultures, to notice our ancestors invading and wiping out there asses".

  21. We tried to tell them not to push the red button!  oh well.  maybe we have enough DNA to clone hem back into existence.

  22. I think they would be very interested in studying the human race.  They would see us as very fragile looking creatures (high risk of choking, fragile necks, easily damaged spinal cords, neotonous form--large heads, small weak bodies), and be intrigued about why we were able to rise to the top of the ecosystems without any real protective qualities (claws, big teeth, strong muscles).  

    I believe they would be very interested in discovering out how we were able to overcome these hurdles by creating culture and mold our environments to our needs, rather than adapt to the environments around us.

    We'd be a fascinating, yet tragic study!

  23. better find somewhere else to live - because there is no chance of supporting life on this planet,. look at what they have done to it

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