
If the icecaps melted would it be like Waterworld?

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Is there enough ice on the planet to make earth like the movie Waterworld if it all melted? Do we have enough ice to flood the world????




  1. Nope. Many major cities along the coast will be underwater though...and where I live (Atlanta) we'll have beach front property!

  2. No, not even close. We will lose some coastal areas. We will lose a good bit of FL.

    EDIT: Could you imagine, New Orleans would be like 35 miles under sea level. The city of New Orleans could never survive.

  3. No, if all the ice melted, the oceans will rise some 20 feet, check the altitude [above sea level] where you live to see how far inland you will be.

  4. No.  Most places below 200 feet in elevation may be underwater.  But look at the bright side, the largest island in the world (Greenland), a whole continent (Antarctica), and much of northern Asia (Siberia) and northern North America will become habitable.

  5. kind of.if the icecaps melted florida would be under water. the states in the middle of the U.S would be safe though.

  6. No that is a false premise....if the world was ice free sea levels would rise by about 70 meters....that is not enough to cover entire continents let alone all the mountains in the world....sea level could rise further through thermal expansion but it would take very very warm temperatures over a very long period of time......

  7. You mean like an expensive, bloated flop at the box office?

    Probably not.

  8. No,  if the ice covering the western part of Antarctica ( west of the Transantarctic Mountains) melted,  world-wide sea level would rise about 20 feet.  This is where Gore and others have gotten the twenty foot sea level rise figure that is so flippantly bounced around in "Global Warming" discussions.

    If all the ice covering Antarctica were to melt, world-wide sea level would rise about 213 feet.  The ice contained on Antarctica represents 90 % of all the ice on our planet as well as 70% of all the fresh water on our planet.  

    The melting of all this ice would cause a major disaster to all coatstal areas, but the whole world would definitly not be underwater.

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