
If the image sensor in a DSLR is ruined, is the camera an entire loss?

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I have a Pentax DL 6.1 MP DSLR camera. I don't know why but I started to get spots on the sensor. I've blown it out with air. I even bought one of those sensor cleaning kits but to no avail. The spots won't go away. In some pictures you can see them, in others (because of the angle of light) you can't. I know its not the lenses because they show in exactly the same places no matter what lens I use. Is it even worth repairing? Will costs be more than the value of the camera? If the sensor is ruined, is it worth selling? Any answers would be helpful.




  1. Hi there,

    What you have is particles that are actually stuck to the sensor.  Not a problem if you have a professional repair tech do the cleaning.  Blowing is a joke... as any particles inside the sensor chamber, even if they are not on the sensor before you blow it out,  will fly around and then find their way onto the sensor.  

    A professional cleaning of your sensor will cost a mere $60 to $90. and if that it the only issue, it is well worth cleaning.   But to be sure... if and when you take it in,   mention your concerns to the repair tech so he can specifically check for a more serious problem on the sensor.  Also ask him for an estimate of what the charges might be for all of the work which must be done to your camera.  He will call you before starting any cleaning or other work.  At that time you can decide if you want him to proceed.   In any case,  the estimate may be free or just a small charge... and that definately is worth the money as well as peace of mind.

    And just a bit of info:  No matter what you do,  you cannot keep those pesky particles off your sensor.  I always load my lens with the camera facing downward in a non-ventilated area,  but anytime your lens is being zoomed or rotated,  it creates a vacuum, pulling in tiny new particles.  Nothing can be done to keep that from happening.   Getting the sensor professionally cleaned once in a while is just the price you  pay for having a digital SLR camera.  

    Good luck with this.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. the sensor isn't ruined perhaps just really soiled. Sometimes, when dealing with SLR's dust particles can sometimes cake them selves onto the sensor, and become really hard to get off. However, when nothing else works, you can get your camera professionally cleaned..

    it shouldn't cost you that much, it's a pretty normal procedure. oh, and it's not going to cost you the amount of the camera.

  3. Which sensor cleaning kit did you use? I had a few dust spots that blowing couldn't dislodge so I tried the Pentax O-ICK1 cleaning kit. It removed the bigger spots but not until after 5 tries, I guess the were "baked" on pretty good. The left over smaller spots don't affect my images at all. You can try Copper Hill Products, I've read that they have good sensor cleaning kits.

    Getting a professional to clean the sensor for you shouldn't cost all that much.

  4. I dread spots on the sensor. You can have it professionally cleaned. Take it to a real camera store (not Best Buy or anything like that)--and they should be able to do the job.

    Take a photo of the clear sky first--so you will have something to show them (and to compare to when get it back).

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