
If the law like the ATF and DEA was to raid a place and broke stuff but didnt find anything could u sue them?

by  |  earlier

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a buddy of mine was outta town at the time of raid but the atf and dea and other law officals broke a bunch of stuff that cant be replace can he hold the law countable for their "hear-say" actions if so who would he look at for advice i mean who could he trust if the whole system of law enforcement and lawyers,judges,and others are against him...thanks oh yea its in georgia if that matters




  1. Yes...I could sue you for the spelling errors in your question (even if there were none).  Getting it to court is another issue.

  2. the DEA wouldn't  raid your home on here say they probably have probable cause to search .And even if they didn't find any thing this time you can bet their bet back . So i wouldn't try to sue them that  would only infuriate the DEA i would just let it got .

  3. ATF and DEA doesn't just raid a house on hearsay.  Your buddy must have received some inside info to get it cleaned up before the raid.  You can try to sue them for broken stuff but it will make life pure H*ll. I'm just wondering why they waited until he left town to raid his house.  Maybe it's the friends he is hanging out with.

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