
If the light bulb is burned, and you have the switch on, do you still waste energy?

by  |  earlier

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Like is it still going to add on your monthly bill?




  1. It shouldn't the because the elect isn't going through. But the best thing to do is to JUST TURN THE SWITCH OFF. If you look at your bill you can also see if the coast has loweredmore than usual. You can also JUST TAKE THE LIGHTBULB out. Silly silly.

    ROCK ON,


  2. no, the element is fried, and the element (part that lights up) is what consumes electricity. when the bulb is burned out, the switch is "off" untill you replace the bulb with a new one (just don't stick your finger in it, then you'll consume electricity!)

  3. No there is no light so there is no energy.  

  4. I have to tell you this is an excellent question!  I don't think any energy is being consumed because the filament in the light bulb isn't working.  The filament is what receives the electricity to light the bulb.  But excellent question and shows you are really thinking about ways to lower your electric bill.  Here's a website that tells all about how the light bulb works...

  5. NO !!!

  6. No it isn't using any energy. The filament inside the bulb is part of the whole electrical circuit from the switch and back. When the filament is broken, the circuit is broken which opens the circuit. Open circuits can't conduct electricity.

  7. yes it will

  8. Most likely not. Unless you have a carbon track inside the bulb the answer is no. Even if you do your energy consumption is very low.

  9. No

  10. Absolutly just because the light bulb doesn't work doesn't mean that there isn't any power still being recieved! So yes!

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