
If the lights went off all over the world, would you light up a candle or a flashlight?

by  |  earlier

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  1. umm, yeah candles....u would need flashlight 4 any other emergencies or too go outside......maybe windy.....yep,candle.

  2. Candles.  Even though they burn out, the flames feed off of the oxygen.  As long as I kept switching candles, I'd still have light.  Of course, if I had an unlimited supply of batteries than I'd take the flashlight without a doubt.  

  3. candle because flash lights are too harsh.  a candle puts things in a softer light and a new perspective.  if you look at something in candle light that you have previously only seen in floresent light, it will look completely different, and lovely at the same time

  4. Both, but I'd also light up my cool glowing eggs. Three of them can brighten a dark room. They're called Oggz. Fun. :)

  5. Bah, candles! I'd buy a noisy power generator...

  6. If I really needed light to find my way, I'd light candles first.

    Ideally, I would leave things dark and enjoy the moonlight and the stars.

    If it were cloudy, I'd just go to sleep and dream.

  7. A candle first, I have tons of candles...but then I would have to put on my head lamp, powered by rechargeable batteries.  It would run out as soon as the two sets I have were used up, and I know I should save them for something important...but to be honest, I don't think I could go without using it for too long.

    We were without power here for 3 hours in the dark not too long ago....I had mostly candles going...but when I really needed to see I put it on.  If it were a dire situation, i would save some batteries...but some candles too!  : )

    I love my head lamp!!!   : )

  8. I would enjoy the twinkle of the stars and the light of the moon.

  9. A flashlight because my candles are expensive.

    Good question.

  10. If all the lights went out all over the world I would not light anything. What would there be to see that I would need light for? I would enjoy the stars that I could then see without all the city light competing for sky space...  

  11. CANDLE!  They're so much more calming!! =)  

  12. A candle. I might need the batteries for later.

  13. id light up a candle for sure!

    but then again, if the whole world were out of lights....

    a bomb fire would be better.

    we can cuddle, dance around & share stories.

    tell me not, that wouldnt be the best thing EVER.

    especially the cuddle part.... ohh how far i would fall.

    huhhhh..... im smitten by your questions. ; ]

  14. Neither, I'd turn on my black light! =)

  15. I'd use a flashlight to find the candles.

  16. A candle. It gets me in the mood.

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