
If the maintaining factor of a student's behavior is to control -what can be done to support this behavior?

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I know to give a kid choices if they are control seekers but I'm stuck trying to come up with other ways to meet their need to control things and still have peace in my classroom.




  1. It is peculiar that enough evaluation has been done of this student to determine that his behavior is caused by a need to control, yet there are no accompanying solutions.  I suspect that this is just someone's best guess, but not what a proper Functional Behavioral Assessment has revealed.  So, I first suggest an FBA, which will properly isolate the antecedent to the behavior, and then suggest implementing the interventions specific to this student that the FBA will suggest.  One final note, the FBA should be done by a professional with experience, not just the school principal or a psychologist who sends out a teacher checklist.

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