
If the majority of Israelis want direct talks with Hamas, why don't they?

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  1. Perhaps the people with the most power also hold the most extreme views, not wanting to give anything to Palestinians (human rights or land) - even if it's rightfully theirs. "Hamas" or not, their views will stay the same towards the Palestinian people.

    The Israeli people are not evil or anything, it's just the people on top, running the circus ^_^

  2. I had a quick look at the link, but the article seems to be a little bit one-sided. And if the Israelis really want talks with Hamas why do they keep supporting a government that only understands talking with tanks and bulldozers? I can fully understand the Hamas (although don't agree with their methods either). How would the Americans feel if, after the war, California had been taken away from them, and given a new name and allowed the new inhabitants to trample all over the neighbouring areas building houses where they want to?

  3. money

  4. The majority of now will in elections vote for the so-called security performed by the military and not by negotiations.

  5. It is true that most Israelis want peace, but they do not want to negotiate with terrorist organisations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Before any negotiation can take place with and Arab organisation, that organisation MUST recognise the Jewish State within defendeable borders and stop all forms of terror. In addition to that Hamas and Hezbollah must release all Israeli hostages!

  6. Liars.

  7. I don't know about this particular issue, really, so I can only respond in regard to what I have just read in the link you provided.

    For what it's worth, I'm a little leery of polls and surveys being accepted as truth, rather than as mere indicators, because so many variables apply to surveys---so, a more meticulous opening paragraph for the article would be something like,

    "A poll by Dialog published in Haaretz *indicates* that the majority of people in Israel would urge......" etc.


    "The majority of Israelis responding to a poll by Dialog which was published in Haaretz stated that..."etc.

    However, to answer your question, the final paragraph of the article seems to provide one of the reasons being given at the moment.  


  8. Don't know. Why did Ahmajdinejad want to come to ground zero in New York. To pay his respects to the victims?

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