
If the majority or our country does not support President Bush and his policies, why hasn't he been impeached?

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If the majority or our country does not support President Bush and his policies, why hasn't he been impeached?




  1. I don't understand why he hasn't been impeached for human rights violations or for wiretapping without permission myself, those are both impeachable offenses.

  2. No one called me and asked what I thought, nor did they call anyone on y/a to ask their opinion, including you!

  3. Because supporting policies that people disagree with is not an impeachable offense.

    For a list of impeachable offenses, see below.

  4. A) He hasn't committed a crime to be impeached, such as Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson did. And merely being bad at your job isn't enough reason for Congress to impeach him.

    B) Did a polling agency poll all 300,000,000+ Americans in this nation so you could say "majority" of our country? Only fools trust a poll, since the opinions of ~1,000 people DO NOT properly reflect the opinions of 300,000,000 people. We're talking about a sample that is less than 1/100th of 1% of the population.

  5. There were 35 articles of impeachment filed against Bush and Congress didn't vote to impreach because they are themselves complicit in the crimes they would impeach him for.

    "...the offenses for which President Nixon was about to be impeached were offenses that he had committed without congressional involvement.  This does not make them less heinous - indeed they pale in significance compared to what George Bush has done - but it makes them more impeachable, and we are back to the point I mentioned earlier, namely that we cannot get Members of Congress to vote in effect to impeach themselves."

    -Barney Frank - D (MA)

  6. study the definition of "impeachment" and the requirements thereof...

  7. Because impeachment is not about popularity contests.  The impeachment process is there to remove presidents who have committed high crimes and misdemeanors.  There have been a lot of accusations in this area hurled towards Bush, however, no one has been able to come up with something that is can be prosecuted with.

  8. You have to remember "W" is just a Puppet... the Puppeteers have kept him dangling just BARELY out of the "Impeachment Zone"

  9. Impeachment has nothing to do with whether you like someone or not. The only way to get rid of someone you just don't like is to not re-elect them. Impeachment involves a crime or misconduct. Study the Constitution, it talks about impeachment. Besides, he could be impeached and still remain in office. Impeachment is only the accusation of charges by the Senate. He has to be CONVICTED of impeachment in order to be ousted. No president has ever been convicted of impeachment and only 2 presidents have ever been impeached (almost 3 except Nixon resigned first). It's NOT gonna happen.

  10. you can't be impeached for lack of support. only breaking federal laws.

    besides, this is why President have terms. We won't have to see them again when the terms are over and its time to vote

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