
If the man cheats on his wife, it's because he's a dog. If the woman cheats......

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on her husband, it's because he wasn't good enough for her in some way(usually sexually) ? Is this right ? Why don't women admit that something was wrong wit them (usually suck in bed) thats why he cheated. Men cheats usually women's fault, Women cheats usually man fault...PERIOD.




  1. Did you take this from my answer earlier?

    I exaggerated a little bit, but that does seem to be how it works a lot of the time.  

    People cheat in most cases because they don't talk with their spouse about problems they're having.  They may not be getting what they need out of a relationship, but that doesn't justify cheating.

    It's the person who cheats fault more so than the other person.  Perhaps the spouse should've done something different, but like I said, that doesn't justify cheating.

  2. Nope, your logic is flawed.  We have free will, which means we can choose what we do.  Whomever cheats, it is their decision and the blame is on them.  If they weren't happy with their partner, they could have chose to seek help for whatever the problem was.

    Why do people think that placing blame on someone else makes it right?

  3. Yup and heaven forbid a man complains about his divorce

    online.  Women automatically assume he was the villian, gang up on him and push him off the website.

  4. Everyone cheats for different reasons. Usually it's because their current partner is not fulfilling their needs whether it be sexual, emotional, etc. But even that is not always the case, some people cheat because it excites them.

    Point being, there is no good reason for cheating. It has nothing to do with gender or the reasons why.

  5. Cheating is the cheater's fault, but I've heard a lot of women blame themselves for the man cheating because she either gained weight or wasn't in as good a shape as she was when she got married. But I've heard men say women only cheat because they're not getting any at home. I disagree though.

  6. Anyone who cheats is a scum bag, regardless of gender, in my opinion.

  7. I agree when a man cheats he has betrayed his wife but when she cheats it is because she didn't get what she needed at home.

    When in actuality it is more likely that the man isn't getting s*x at home than the woman.

    But I must say if a person cheats it is their own fault not the other persons.

    BTW it has been shown that women cheat as much as men.

  8. cheating is the cheater's fault. everyone should take responsibility for his/her own actions and stop blaming others. if you're unhappy it's your responsibility to tell your spouse and work it out

  9. Amen. I agree. I believe if a man cheats its because of something the woman did. As a guy I know I don't want to cheat. And a lot of women accuse their man of cheating when most of the time, they have no visual proof of it whatsoever.

  10. Cheating usually happens for one reason, lack of open, honest communication.  Sometimes the blame lies only with the person who did the cheating.  Sometimes the blame lies with the couple as a whole.

  11. Certainly feminism tends to encourage people to be more sympathetic to women's point of view, in part because this point of view is expressed more often.  But let's leave that reality aside, shall we?

    People don't cheat for s*x.  They cheat, most often, because they have grown distanced from their partner - stopped talking.  They don't like the stereotyped way their partner sees them, and they meet someone who sees them in a more flattering light.  

    Actually, when a woman cheats, friends and people around her will be pretty disapproving.  The media may insult men, but real people know who's right and wrong in a given situation.

  12. It's the other way around...if you are a cheater, that's your fault.

    (Note : Yes, that sentence also ended with a period.)

  13. In short, it's modern Feminism that has established these rules.

    In reality, marital infidelity is terribly complicated and assigning disparaging terms to either gender is of no benefit to anyone.

    Marital infidelity is destructive in any number of ways but is terribly commonplace by both genders.  Often it's not done on a "conscious" level per se (that's not to say it's excusable) but rather part of the human condition.

    Monogamy isn't easy (and it's not terribly consistant with natural order) but it works for the benefit of the family unit, especially with respect to child development.  In a genuinely loving relationship, if the notion of infidelidy is remotely entertained, a proper divorce is ideal before engaging in infidelity.

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