
If the milf and christians felt betrayed by the government, how could mindanao achieve peace?

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If the milf and christians felt betrayed by the government, how could mindanao achieve peace?




  1. ewan ko po,tuloy po nila ang ARMM elections

  2. mindanao always have tribal wars, no matter what their religions are.And the combatants are recruited nationwide, mostly from the ranks of those denied justice. This is also rampant not only in Mindanao, they just gets much publicity.

    to achieve peace, make the judicial system accessible and short throughout the land, not like the present system that is taking an average of 8 years before there is a verdict. Another is to adapt some of the islamic laws that are applicable only to the muslims, like stoning to death for the adulterers.lashes to the fornicators.

  3. Let them make a royal rumble, gov't.

  4. Evacuate the good citizens and drop an atomic bomb on the MILF. Peace will follow shortly,

  5. "...With a stronger defense, a determined diplomacy, and greater  economic and cultural influence, the next leader can start to build a lasting, realistic peace."  These words are borrowed from Rudolph W. Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City.

  6. There is no sure way to peace.

    But one decisive step is for the national government to step down on those who are decidedly qualified for the term "terrorists", and turn them over to a hanging judge.

  7. Regardless of religion, we all are dismayed and angry on how stupidly the grp panel made negotiations w/ terrorist and w/o informing the people of mindanao. They should annihilate those scumbags who are currently ransacking,kidnapping, murdering civilians. There should be No negotiIations whatsoever. Put milf as terrorist group same with abusayyaf, if  the leaders of these group cannot control its army why would they be recognized as a worthy group to lead the people of moro part of mindanao. Also fired those stupid so dumb grp peace negotiation panel.

    Government cant make infrastructure development and projects in poor muslim areas because of these threats. First, recognized the threat- stop it. The power of governing the areas and imposing the changes should be done one city at a time and to be given to those leaders that can be trusted and that recognize the republic of the Philippines. That's the 2 things I could think of right now.

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