
If the milf could not control their field commanders, what purpose is the negotiation with them for?

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If the milf could not control their field commanders, what purpose is the negotiation with them for?




  1. The problem is too much coddling by the government for the MILF.  And this is the reason their heads have grown in size because they are complacent; they know they have the government's hands neatly tied behind its back.  The way I see it, this group is the one dictating the momentum of the negotiation - the one at the helm while the government emerges as the lapdog, waiting for the crumbs to fall so they can pick them up.  If the President would make good her threats that, following the fighting in Lanao del Norte, she would not think twice about using the full force of the military in suppressing the group then, I believe the MILF will not continue to remain unconcerned.  In fact, it would be meting harsh punishments for their comrades who wrought havoc in Lanao del Norte.  That is, if they are truly serious in their resolve to find peace for Mindanao.  It seems the group is playing with the government; in one hand, they offer peace while the other hand is directing a traitorous act of violence.  How long will the government play the fool at the MILF's hands?

    The negotiation is as dead as the soldiers and civilians killed in the fight.  The government should realize that.

  2. negotiations are just a front for the government to show that they also want peace but the truth is while there are negotiations going on, the Philippine troops are also doing the offensives against the MILF.  there should be a ceasefire implemented.

    it has been seen many times during the negotiations between the NPA and the Military years ago.

  3. we should eradicate this band of outlaws at all cost,even if it will cost thousand of innocent lives.

  4. As simple as a Gloria politics.

  5. We increase our moral strength in that we are not closing any doors for peace.

  6. I've met a few milfs with boyfriends or husbands but never a field commander.

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