
If the moon did not exsist would there still be tides?

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If the moon did not exsist would there still be tides?




  1. if the moon did not exist, not only would there not be tides but the earth would eventually spin out of control and off its axis.

  2. Why wouldn't there be a night? Think about it.

    Yes, it would affect animals. Many of them count on the moon's light for hunting, foraging, or navigation, and shoreline life depends upon the tides which are caused by both moon and sun. The tides would have a different rhythm and much smaller magnitude without the moon.

    Now, if the moon had never been - if there hadn't been a Mars-sized object that collided with the Earth to form the Moon - our planet would be a VERY different place. Who knows whether better or worse.

  3. Yes, tides are formed due to the gravitational force of the moon and the sun.

  4. No there would be no tides as it is the moon's weak gravitational force that causes high and low tides on the earth.

  5. At the moment, we have a combination of moon tides and sun tides. The sun tides are about 40% of the size of the moon tides. Sun tides come every 12 hours and moon tides come every 12 hours 24 minutes. When the two happen to coincide we have "spring tides" - this happens every two weeks. When the two tides are out of phase and cancelling each other, we have neap tides.

    Without the moon, we'd only have sun tides and they would happen exactly twice a day, at the same time every day. They would be less in magnitude than the tides we have now.

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