
If the moon is revolving around earth, then why we don't see a lunar a solar eclipse every month?

by Guest64098  |  earlier

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If the moon is revolving around earth, then why we don't see a lunar a solar eclipse every month?




  1. The moon orbits the earth while the earth orbits the sun and they do not all orbit exactly the same every day.  If they did we would have summer all year and days would be the same length all the time.  

    Eclipses occur based on the relationships of the earth/moon/sun locations relative to their orbits

  2. i could show you if you have a hula hoop.

    in fact, you too can be as smart as a Mayan... build your own stonehenge... make predictions as to the next eclipse... amaze your friends!

    i guarantee you that knowing this will NOT make you the life of the party, though.

    anyway... the orbit of the Moon is tilted.  So when the Earth is on one side of the Sun, the Moon appears ABOVE the Sun in the sky, and when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun, its BELOW.  Only when the Earth rotational plane intersects with the Moon's rotational plane at the same time as that line is towards the Sun do we get an eclipse.

  3. The orbital plane of the Moon is tilted with respect to the Earth and the Sun, so it doesn't end up in a spot where it creates an eclipse every month.  In order to get an eclipse, the Sun, Moon, and Earth need to **all** be aligned.

  4. the earth does. you just aren't in the right spot to see it.

  5. Don't forget that the sun and the moon see different sides of the planet, ones that we can't see from here.  Things like that could be happening on the other side of the world.  

  6. The moon is not always at the same angle as the sun.  If its orbit is above or below our angle of rotation around the sun, there won't be an eclipse.  And since our angle changes as we orbit the sun (which causes the seasons), the angle of the moon's orbit around us changes, too.  

  7. We cannot see one every month,because the Earth is tilted 38.5 degrees.

  8. Cos the Moon goes past at night.

  9. That is because the orbits of the Moon and Earth are not exactly aligned.  They don't lie in a perfect plane.  Also, the orbits are not circles but ellipses.  Furthermore, the orbits are perturbed by the gravity of other planets if those planets are near.

    All of these effects make lunar and solar eclipses not a monthly occurrence.

  10. because the moon is not revolving around Earth in the same plane, as the Earth around the sun. The moon is only twice per year in one line with Earth and Sun.

    You have a lunar eclipse every time, the moon is behind the Earth, seen from the sun - this happens easily twice per year, though not always totally.

    A solar eclipse is harder to get. First of all, a solar eclipse is only visible on a small region of Earth, while a lunar eclipse can be seen anywhere. Next, the distance Earth-Moon is not constant, so it happens quite often, that the moon is too far away and can't hide the whole sun behind him.

  11. Because the moon's orbit is not a 30 day cycle.

  12. i se lunar and solar eclipse every month. In fact evryone can see. Maybe somethin is wrong with ya. better check

  13. Because the orbit of the moon is about 5.5 degrees off the orbit of the Earth around the sun.  So, to get a solar (or lunar) eclipse, the Earth must pass through the shadow of the moon (or vice verse), which can only happen when the moon, Earth, and Sun are lined up.  

  14. Because the orbits of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth are not in the same plane.  There is about a 5 degree difference, so the eclipses happen only when they coincide/align.

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