
If the moon landings were real, then why did all the astronaut crew mysteriously die after the "mission"?

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you people dont watch documentaries




  1. My dad was a photographer for Ames Research Center (NASA) in Mtn. View, CA.

    He photographed the moon rocks upon their return.

  2. You prove that some people will believe anything except the facts. Where the bloody h**l did you get the nutso idea that all the lunar astronauts were dead. Ever heard of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin,

  3. I think you have been living in a weird little bubble of your own conspiracy.  Buzz Aldrin is still alive....DUH

  4. Some are still alive.

  5. Just who died ??? and when??? This is BIG news if you can prove it.

    The 3 astronauts who died in the fire were

    Gus Grissom, Ed White, Roger Chaffee-- in Apollo 1--- the test vehicle --- it was re-configured to use a less than pure oxygen atmosphere (which caused the fire). This all took place BEFORE the first landing attempt--- guess you were sleeping or text messaging when they discussed this in school.     here is what happened and when

    Go on and send your money to the HOAXERS at the web site you you posted. and then just explain one fact-- we bounce laser beams off of the mirrors left by the astronauts on the moon's surface-- I guess they were placed there by some supernatural means?

    Edit------ and you are most welcome to give me a thumbs down --- like it really means anything.

  6. You dishonor the brave people who risked their lives to go to the Moon, and the memory of those who perished in the attempt. Shame on you for perpetrating this pap.

  7. Not sure who you're referring to, since both Neil Armstrong AND Buzz Aldrin are both still alive today. Don't you conspiracy theory nutjobs ever get tired of being 100% wrong?

  8. No. thats absurd. I don't know if you paid attention in biology, but everyone dies. We don't live forever. about the grounded command module, are you refering to Apollo 1? They never went to the moon. unfortunately, they died in a training mission.

    the government wouldn't kill them like that. and the moon landing was real. if anyone would want to prove the moon landing was fake, it would've been the soviet union. they analyzed everything, and if the moon landing was fake they would be all over it.

    quite frankly, i'm tired of these abscure conspiracy theories. the moon landing was real. end of story.

    and by the way, a number of astronautes are still alive.

    here a list of apollo astronautes with birthdates and death dates. astronautes without a death date are obviously still alive.

    Apollo 1

    Launch scheduled for February 21, 1967

    During a pre-launch test for Apollo 1, astronauts Grissom, White and Chaffee died when a fire broke out in the cockpit of their spacecraft on January 27, 1967.

    Command module: CSM-012

    Lunar module: -

    The backup crew were Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walt Cunningham.



    Wally Schirra  

    Donn Eisele (1930-1987)  

    Walt Cunningham  Apollo 7

    October 11-22, 1968

    The first launch of an Apollo spacecraft into Earth orbit.

    Command module: CSM-101

    Lunar module: -

    The backup crew were Tom Stafford, John Young, and Gene Cernan.



    Frank Borman  

    Jim Lovell  

    Bill Anders  Apollo 8

    December 21-27, 1968

    On Christmas Eve 1968, Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon.

    Command module: CSM-103

    Lunar module: -

    The backup crew were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Fred Haise.



    Jim McDivitt  

    Dave Scott  

    Rusty Schweickart  Apollo 9

    March 3-13, 1969

    Earth-orbit test of the Apollo comand and lunar modules including rendezvous maneuvers and a test of the new lunar space suit.

    Command module: Gumdrop [CSM-104]

    Lunar module: Spider [LM-3]

    The backup crew were Pete Conrad, d**k Gordon, and Alan Bean.



    Tom Stafford  

    John Young  

    Gene Cernan  Apollo 10

    May 18-26, 1969

    The dress rehearsal for the moon landing.

    Command module: Charlie Brown [CSM-106]

    Lunar module: Snoopy [LM-4]

    The backup crew were Gordo Cooper, Donn Eisele, and Ed Mitchell.



    Neil Armstrong  

    Mike Collins  

    Buzz Aldrin  Apollo 11

    July 16-24, 1969

    The first lunar landing.

    Command module: Columbia [CSM-107]

    Lunar module: Eagle [LM-5]

    Neil Armstrong: "That's one small step for man - one giant leap for mankind."

    The backup crew were Jim Lovell, Bill Anders, and Fred Haise.



    Pete Conrad (1930-1999)  

    d**k Gordon  

    Al Bean  Apollo 12

    November 14-24, 1969

    First pinpoint lunar landing.

    Command module: Yankee Clipper [CM-108]

    Lunar module: Intrepid [LM-4]

    Pete Conrad: "Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me." [Conrad was only 5'6" tall]

    The backup crew were Dave Scott, Al Worden, and Jim Irwin.



    Jim Lovell  

    Jack Swigert (1931-1982)  

    Fred Haise  Apollo 13

    April 11-17, 1970

    Apollo 13 ended in near disaster when oxygen tank 2 exploded 55 hours into the mission. Using the lunar module as a lifeboat, the three men were able to return safely to earth.

    Command module: Odyssey [CM-109]

    Lunar module: Aquarius [LM-7]

    The backup crew were John Young, Jack Swigert, and Charlie Duke.

    (Swigert replaced prime crew member Ken Mattingly)



    Al Shepard (1923-1998)  

    Stu Roosa (1933-1994)  

    Ed Mitchell  Apollo 14

    January 31-February 9, 1971

    First successful mission devoted entirely to scientific exploration of the moon.

    Command module: Kitty Hawk [CM-110]

    Lunar module: Antares [LM-8]

    Alan Shepard: "It's been a long way, but we're here."

    The backup crew were Gene Cernan, Ron Evans, and Joe Engle.



    Dave Scott  

    Al Worden  

    Jim Irwin (1930-1991)  Apollo 15

    July 26-August 7, 1971

    The first extended scientific expedition, also the first to use the Lunar Rover Vehicle.

    Command module: Endeavour [CM-112]

    Lunar module: Falcon [LM-10]

    Dave Scott: "Man must explore. And this is exploration at its greatest."

    The backup crew were d**k Gordon, Vance Brand, and Jack Schmitt.



    John Young  

    Ken Mattingly  

    Charlie Duke  Apollo 16

    April 16-27, 1972

    The first exploration of the moon's central highlands.

    Command module: Casper [CM-113]

    Lunar module: Orion [LM-11]

    John Young: "There you are, mysterious and unknown Descartes highland plains. Apollo 16 is gonna change your image. I'm sure glad they got ol' Brer Rabbit here, back in the briar patch where he belongs. "

    The backup crew were Fred Haise, Stu Roosa, and Ed Mitchell.



    Gene Cernan  

    Ron Evans (1933-1990)  

    Jack Schmitt  Apollo 17

    December 7-19, 1972

    The last, and longest lunar mission. Cernan and Schmitt spent 3 days, 2 hours and 59 minutes on the moon.

    Command module: America [CM-114]

    Lunar module: Challenger [LM-12]

    Gene Cernan: "As I step off at the surface at Taurus-Littrow, I'd like to dedicate the first step of Apollo 17 to all those who made it possible."

    The backup crew were John Young, Stu Roosa, and Charlie Duke.



    Tom Stafford  

    Vance Brand  

    Deke Slayton (1924-1993)  Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

    July 15-24, 1975

    The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project was a joint operation of U.S. astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts docking in Earth orbit and performing scientific experiments.

    Command module: CSM-111

    Lunar module: -


    Since you seem to think the moon landing was fake, I will talk about that as well.

    it was real. i'm usually open minded about political issues, but on this one i am very close minded. there is an enormous amount of scientific evidence backing it up.

    with achievement always comes speculation. all the theories people have, or their so called "evidence" are very week, and the logic is extreamily flawed.

    hundreds of people were there, by the lanch site, when the rocket was thrusted up to space. they saw the astronautes get on. they saw them take off.

    and the russians were watching the footage that we were taking from the moon. if anyone was going to jump on the idea that the moon landing was fake, they would've been the first one. the russians were watching us like a hawk- the analyzed video, audio, and the radiosignal strength. they proved that the video signal was infact coming from the moon.

    people also say that if we landed on the moon, we should be able to see the flag. that idea is extreamily flawed. the most powerful telescope on earth only gets football field resolution. that basically means that every pixel... every little different colored block... is equivilent to the an area the size of a football field on the moon. if the flag was the size of a football field, we would still have a very hard time seeing it unless we deeply analyzed all the photos. and we all know that flag wasn't the size of a football field. they also talk about how the flag was waving. true, there is no air on the moon, but there are lunar winds that are basically gusts of microscopic parts of dust caused by pressure changes. that caused the flag to wave. but thats not the only reason why the flag moved. the moon has only .17 of earth's gravitational force. the flag is moving up, and the moon is pulling it back down causing it to stand like this:




    there were also ripples created by the same process.

    other people say it wasn't true because we coudln't see stars in the sky. the moon's surface is highly reflective. the light, and the technology of the time, made it hard... if not impossible to see the stars. there is actually more light polution on the surface of the earth than in my neighborhood. and like i said, the cameras weren't exactly state of the art. not only did they have to capture the moon, but inturn it had to be transmitted 250,000 miles back to earth, and then be broadcasted to all the stations featuring it, and then again broadcasted to all the tv's watching that channel. and the tv's weren't that good either!

    so yes, the moon landing was real.

    make sense?

    honestly, when will you people move beyond the moon. accept your defeat, and focus on something else. please, i'm getting tired of people thinking the moon landing was real.


    and about your theory about apollo 1 being executed: if this was going to be a fake, then why were they simulating? the astronautes knew that the space module had all electrical wireing in it, so why would they agreee to do it? and why would nasa make all of these real things, when they could just make a stirofoam model? i mean, seriously people. think about it. where is the though process behind this my friend? this might make a good idea for a fiction book, but not a conspiricy theory.

    we brought back a moon rock! we have hours of footage. we have pictures. thousands of people saw three men leave earth, and the same three men come back down into the ocean, and were picked up by a helicopter. please people, move on.


    answer to the details you just put in about them being killed just before the mission:

    only one astronaut was killed. Gus Grissom. and this isn't proven completely. if grissom was murdered for threatening to come out about the space program, then i think the other astronautes would come out.

  9. They didn't!!!!!!

  10. i think you need to smoke better quality crack.

    nasa's web site, plus widely available material, says that all but a couple of the apollo astronuts are still very much alive. they are getting old, and a few have died since then, but all of natural causes.

    there was nothing mysterious about the apollo 1 fire. it taught nasa an important lesson. tragic? yes. mysterious? no.

  11. The entire Apollo 11 crew, first on the moon, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins are all still alive.


  12. Mr Fox -

    Have you noticed a recurring theme amid your responses? It's true that we do not spend time watching the documentaries that you seem to place so much faith in. We read. We take classes. We work. We learn. Is it possible that you could be mistaken (any real scientist will admit this up front)? If so, then the only path that will provide you with actual evidence that you can understand (you must admit that you did not understand your own evidence in this case) is to turn off the television and start reading, going to class, working, and learning. This is not as easy as getting it fed to you by some documentary conspiracy theorist, but nothing that's worthwhile is easy (for example, the Apollo program).

    I'm afraid you are advertising your own ignorance. Please, turn off the TV! Your brain deserves better.

  13. You win for most poorly-researched yet-another-stupid moon hoax question of the week, followed by the poorest backpedaling when everyone else managed to expose your total ignorance with a few seconds of research.

    It was 1960's.  That's 40 years ago.  Astronauts aren't immortal.  They get old and die same as everybody else.  They have accidents, same as everybody else...

    Except that most of the early astronauts already had hazardous jobs and lifestyles, being fighter pilots and test pilots and such.  It's amazing MORE of them didn't die earlier.

    They make pills for your kind of paranoia.

  14. This is the most amazing piece of nonsense I've ever seen on Yahoo! Answers, and that's saying a lot! Most of the Apollo astronauts are very much alive today, and those that have passed away have done so from natural causes very recently...hey they're all in their 70s or so.

    You obviously haven't done any serious research on this topic, but are just yammering some lies you've heard on some cheap TV show. All of your points have been refuted in detail on web sites like these:

    The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

  15. Agent Fox....I'm surprised at you...I thought you knew better than that!

    Where do these people come from???..YIKES!!

  16. You should check your information before asking such questions.

    As of 2008, twelve people have walked on the Moon. No one has walked on the Moon since 1972.  Three of the 12 who walked on the moon have died, at ages:  69, 74, and 61.

    Apollo 11  Apollo 11 July 21, 1969

    1 Neil Armstrong - age now 77

    2 Buzz Aldrin - age now 78

    Apollo 12  November 19-20, 1969

    3 Pete Conrad - died 8 July 1999, age 69

    4 Alan Bean - age now 76

    Apollo 14  February 5-6, 1971

    5 Alan Shepard - died 21 July 1998, age 74

    6 Edgar Mitchell - age now 77

    Apollo 15 July 31–August 2, 1971

    7 David Scott - age now 76

    8 James Irwin - died 8 August 1991, age 61

    Apollo 16 April 21-23, 1972

    9 John W. Young - age now 77

    10 Charles Duke - age now 72

    Apollo 17 December 11-14, 1972  

    11 Eugene Cernan - age now74

    12 Harrison Schmitt - age now 72

    On each of the missions listed above one astronaut orbited the Moon while the other two landed. In addition each of the Apollo 8, Apollo 10, and Apollo 13 missions had a three-man crew and closely encountered the Moon (entering orbit in the case of the former two missions, while Apollo 13 only passed around it). Thus twelve more people have been within a few hundred kilometers of the Moon (along with Young and Cernan who flew out to the Moon and back without landing, but landed on subsequent missions):

    Apollo 8 was the first manned mission to reach the Moon (Frank Borman, center)Frank Borman - Apollo 8

    Jim Lovell - Apollo 8, Apollo 13 (intended to land)

    William Anders - Apollo 8

    Tom Stafford - Apollo 10

    John Young - Apollo 10 (later landed on Apollo 16)

    Eugene Cernan - Apollo 10 (later landed on Apollo 17)

    Michael Collins - Apollo 11

    d**k Gordon - Apollo 12 (had been slated to land on Apollo 18)

    Jack Swigert - Apollo 13

    Fred Haise - Apollo 13 (intended to land; had been slated to land on Apollo 19)  

    Stuart Roosa - Apollo 14

    Al Worden - Apollo 15

    Ken Mattingly - Apollo 16

    Ronald Evans - Apollo 17

  17. Not all the astronauts are dead.  Some are alive.

  18. evolution!00101001010001

  19. Too bad we don't have a "Pseudo Science" category, and then we could all just ignore it (since you'd have to post there).

    You're going to have to get over it.  Too many of us worked on parts of the program, and have met some of these guys whose little toenail has more sense than this trash.

  20. Many of the astronauts who walked on the Moon are still alive. I am shocked that you would not know that. Here is a video of Buzz Aldrin punching Bart Sibrel for calling him a liar (because he tells everyone about how he walked on the Moon).

  21. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, is still living at 77 years old. There was no "dying" after the mission for him. The second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, is also still alive.

    Walker #3) Pete Conrad, died in 1969, 30 years after his mission.

    4) Alan Bean, still living

    5) Alan Shephard, died in 1998, 27 years after his mission

    6) Edgar Mitchell, still living

    7) David Scott, still living

    8) James Irwin, died in 1991, 20 years after mission

    9) John W. Young, still living

    10) Charles Duke, still living

    11) Eugene Cernan, still living

    12) Harrison Schmitt, still living

    These are the only 12 men (an additional 12 have at least flown there) that have walked on the moon, all but 3 of them are still living. Those that are deceased, died relatively recently.

    Who are these crews that "died" after the mission?

    Add.: Honestly, before making statements or assertions like these, it's best to do at least A LITTLE BIT of research. It prevents you looking ignorant.

    Also, your source, if you want to be unpartisan in your opinion, should not be one devoted to the idea that the moon landing was a hoax. These types of sites are notorious for posting nothing more than rumors or urban legend to "verify" their claims.

    Finally, of the other astronauts that have gone to the moon without stepping foot on it, only (again) three have died. Those three (again) died long after their missions.

    Something tells you either need, 1) a different source to justify your claims or 2) stop making the claim.

    I know you'd probably hate to hear it, but, your argument holds no water.

    Not all documentaries about the moon landing try to discredit it, so I don't know where you're going with that question. Documentaries exist arguing both sides of that argument, neither really provide much more than arguments, generally, the moon landing having happened argument wins.

  22. Um, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first men to walk on the moon are still alive.

  23. So you're claiming that the moon landings were all hoaxes, and that the gubmint whacked everyone who knew about it that could possibly squeal?

    Well, for starters, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin are all still alive. So ... what was your point again?

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