
If the moon was a big glob of peanut butter could everyone on earth have a sandwich or would that adversely...

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effect the gravatational pull?




  1. everyone could have a sandwich. Just as long as there is jelly to go with it

  2. possibly

  3. It's made of Swiss Cheese!!!

  4. We could all have a sandwich if Jupiter was jelly! Then we could have the MIlkyway for a snack.

  5. yea itd be full of free sanwiches

  6. If it was made of peanut butter then by now it would have harderned to be tougher than concrete. That and its probably irrated from the Sun's radiation. That and I don't think 4 billion year old peanut butter would taste very good.

    But seeing as how the mass of peanut butter is less than that of the common rock found on the moon, then actually yes. It would affect its gravity. With less mass, there would be less gravity.

  7. ...granted tat...bringing the PB to earth is ez....

    ...i guess within 10 years will have no more moon...

    ...then...i guess there will be no more tides' rise and fall.... hope Saturn's ring,,,is made of pizza....coz i love


  8. We'd have alot of fat earthlings, therefore creating a very heavy earth

  9. If everyone ate some of the peanut-butter moon, that would change it's mass and therefore yes, it's gravitational effect on Earth would change.

  10. Adding the moons weight in peanut butter to the earth would increase the earth's gravitational pull, and remove the moon's tidal effects.

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