
If the moon was directly over your house at 10PM last night, what time will it be when it is directly over

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your house tonight?

Consider how the earth and moon move, both independently and in relation to each other. Explain your answer.




  1. It would be over your house at 10:52:42 PM tonight.

    "Now, if it takes 27.3 days to travel once around the Earth, it must travel 360 degrees/27.3 days = 13.18 degrees/day to the East. This means on the next night, the Moon is located 13.18 degrees to the East from last nights location:

    This means that the Earth has to turn an extra 13.18 degrees so that so that tonight's moon is in the same sky position as last nights moon. If last night the Moon was just at the eastern horizon, tonight at the same time it is 13.18 degrees Below the eastern horizon.

    Now, how long does it take the Earth to turn 13.18 degrees? Well, in 24 hours, it turns 360 degrees, so in (13.18/360)x 24 = 0.88 hours or 52.7 minutes, the sky rotates the extra 13.18 degrees."

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