
If the moral arc of the Universe ends at justice (MLK) does that make vengeance irrelevant in the long run?

by Guest64225  |  earlier

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We all know (and sometimes are) the person who cannot deny the instant gratification of revenge, but if you believe the above saying why create more injustice by acting on the desire for vengence?




  1. u have to define justice. is it mearly just that..vengence..or punishing a person to try to make them not do it again.  

  2. Because justice is the punishment and correction of the act know as sin. Revenge is part of that justice if we act it out or not. That is the basis behind karma.

  3. Justice is nothing more than state-sanctioned vengeance.

    So no, it does the opposite.  It makes vengeance the inevitable end of the moral arc.  

  4. Most impulses towards vengence are better denied because it is not our responsibility to punish most things. Most things simply are not wrong even if we don't like them. What happens is folks who continually act outside of what is prefered will get have fewer and fewer options naturally. And that of course depends on the status of the person. Not surprisingly, poorer low status people have fewer options and high status people have more options. Hopefully, even immoral  high status people have options shut down at some point, but  this is a grey area.

  5. Those words of MLK are really nice, but in reality the good guys don't always win.

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