
If the mother and father are both 50% white and 50% balck and have a kid. whats the kid consider?

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the kids percentage, cuz both the mother and father are 50/50 so what is he?




  1. the same as you and the father 50/50 .. is this a trick question? or a bet? if so,  I want a cut.

  2. Biracial. If it were other than black and white...multiracial.

  3. There is a 25% chance he will be purely black, 50% chance that the child will be half white and half black and 25% chance the child will be purely white.

    Thats just genetics.

  4. 25% of each? I dont know. In my mind hes a kid.  

  5. The kid is mallato its a scientific name

  6. It depends on what genes get passed down to the child. I've heard of 2 50/50 parents having twins, one being white and one being mixed. The child could come out with all white genes or all black, or could be mix like the parents. It is more probable that the child will be mixed like the parents since the darker genes are dominant, but it could really go any way.

  7. Multiracial

  8. The child would be 50/50...  

    Break it down into quarters.... B = Black, W = White

    Mom = 1/2 B and 1/2 W

    so kid on his mom's side = 1/4 B and 1/4 W

    Dad = 1/2 B and 1/2 W

    so kid on his dad's side = 1/4 B and 1/4 W

    So, totally, the kid is 1/4 B + 1/4 W + 1/4 B + 1/4 W

    Which is the same as 1/2 B and 1/2 W

  9. He would be considered biracial. I'm sure he would be a beautiful child!

  10. Well...there is no country called "white" so it is either (German,Russian etc)

    The kid will be 50%white and 50% black.

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