
If the mountain has a base from 19 648ft. below sea level rises 33 480 ft.. What is the elevation of its peak?

by  |  earlier

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Kindly please answer this math problem.. This is my project and I'm confused if the answer is 13 796 ft. above sea level. If possible please add solutions to your answer. Thank you very much!!!




  1. the base is -19648ft. from the x-axis. add it to 33,480ft (the height) and you'll get an answer about 13k ft. your answer is correct if the elevation of the peak is measured from sea level

  2. _- ^

    This little diagram represents your mountain:

    _ is the botom of the ocean or base of mountain

    - is the top of the ocean or sea level

    ^ is the peak above the ocean

    Now, the whole mountain is 33 480 feet, that's from the base ( _ )  all the way up to the top of the peak ( ^ ).

    Tthe base of the mountain ( _ ) is 19 648 below sea level ( - ). that means the distance form _ to - is 19 648

    Distance from _ to - is 19 648, the distance from _ to ^ is 33 480.

    You need to find the distance from - to ^

    33 480 minus 19 648 will be the distance from - to ^, that 's the part from sea level up.

    33 480 - 19 648 =  13 832 ft

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