
If the news wasn't bias, how different would Election Day be?

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If the news wasn't bias, how different would Election Day be?




  1. The Arabic-named Dem presidential candidate would never have been in his long cherished position, longer than his actual presence in his positions. With all his questionable friends, endorsers and lobbyists and 20 years as POW (Prisoner-of-Wright), he won't even be among the top four Dem candidate. That was why Biden said he wouldn't even vote for the inexperienced BHO.

  2. It would be rather boring if you ask me.

  3. RON PAUL  would be president ....and we would all be better off ...the whole world that is.....

  4. With half the population going to a fortune teller, asking who they should vote for.

  5. The MSM might ask some questions about this:

    or this:

  6. Without Faux news, there would be many less republicans.  

  7. If we turned off the TV and radio we wouldn't have our brains filled with the spew from Conservative v Liberal cat fights.  If we read newspapers and magazines and thought about things ourselves, all of Americans would take pride in our electoral system, our candidates and the people that we elect to serve us.

    I am SICK TO DEATH of  having  partisan pundits pound their talking points into our heads.

  8. fox news needs to dissapeaper

  9. If the news wasn't bias?  the news isn't bias, depends on what channel you watch - but that is beside the point.

    If the "news" as you put it, wasn't bias - people would actually have to do research on their own.  Do something for themselves for a change, and election day would truly mean something to all people.  It would be a decision that they made.  To me, my decision, my research, makes me comfortable with my choice.  

  10. The Media has done nothing but cover-up scandal after scandal-----and filled easily swayed minds with what they choose. I think we could make more informed choices if the George Soros Media Machine would knock-off the Bias.

    McCain/Palin '08

  11. No different. The media attempts to make us believe one thing...but we are smarter than that.

    Remember how badly Bush was going to lose last election...according to them?

  12. People wouldn't show up.  Not enough people in this country can think for themselves.  If the media didn't tell them how to vote I don't think they'd know what to do (biased or not).

  13. Simple: Not very

    The media would either eliminate all politics from the news or simply show both parties equally.

    Election day would get the same coverage it always gets. Maybe less cheering when results are read.

  14. If the following networks had actually given adequate time to the very questionable associations and friends of B.O, then McCain would be at least 20 points ahead in the polls...

    1) ABC - All Barrack Channel

    2) NBC - Nominate Barrack Channel

    3) CBS - Clinton/Barrack Station

    4) CNN - Clinton News Network

  15. Most people would vote on the Issues.     McCain and Obama would not be in  this election.    

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