
If the only thing keeping you alive is a machine, would you prefer they pull the plug?

by  |  earlier

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I would




  1. Yes, because if the machine wasn't there you would be dead anyway

  2. indeed.

  3. Yes.

  4. yes i wud... there's no point prolonging my agony

  5. no because you still might have a chance of getting up.

  6. nope i love life :]

  7. In this situation, I would want what was best for my friends, family, and take into consideration if my being on the machine was preventing someone elses recovery. By that stage, I wouldn't really be concious anyway, so I would want what was best for those still 'living'. I wouldn't want to stay on there for a long time, but I would want my friends and family to be able to come to terms with it so that it would be easier on them.

  8. yes.  

  9. Yes. Most definitely! I wouldn't want to be a veggie!

  10. I would leave that decision up to my family. Obviously it wouldn't matter to me.

  11. yes, i wouldn't want to be kept alive by a machine...just let me go in peace and take me out of my misery

  12. If I was in pain...yes.

    I would probably say yes anyway. It's like being in a coma...should they turn off your life support or not?

  13. no life is waaay too precious!  

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