
If the people looking for an answer to force medical marijuana fed tax law away, get celiac tested?

by Guest56891  |  earlier

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Darn! Why didn't someone think of this sooner? If the answer lies in celiacs, it lies in this. The FDA does not want you to know that 43 percent of the population can have an allergic reaction to wheat and almost all distilled products. Doesn't this prove the FDA Tremendously Wrong? What the FDA don't want you to know is They are owned by a parent company that makes mad moneys from selling pharmacuticals in order to mask the hidden wheat epidemic. The father companies name is Codex, started in n**i germany.It owns Merke Pharmacuticals and an entire host of other companies that is running the show. Merke Manuel still states Celiacs as a 1 in 5000 number. That is veryadvantageouss to all thestomachere acid inhibitors and mind controling drugs for depression and many other things proven to be Wheat allergenic related. Now to get to the point, Medical marijuana is for painful and depressing malfunctions such as Aids, MS , Cancer patients , and auto immunal disease. Celiacs is an autoimmunal responsequalifyingg 43 percent of the public with the HLA DQ2 and The HLA DQ8 genetic markers. If you are tested for this and test positive, beer can have the effect of the movie reefer madness. Science has been around long enough to know that it is more likely for the alcoholic to kill someone rather than a stoner. This misrepresented innocent drug, proven to be the best thing in a tough situation, can lessen pain and depression in one foul swoop. Can beer do that? Get tested for these genetic markers under your health plan. If you are posative in either marker, get off the booze and fight for your right to choose. It is said that the more successful and prominent the areas which you live increase the number well into the unknown. If you take a celiac eating gluten, you find a Grade point average of 2.4. If you have a celiac that is living gluten free, the gpa soars to 3.9. Enjoy all your wheat filled products or enjoy weed filled products. Take your pick.HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 genetic modifier test for wheat gluten intolerance. Celiacs. Look it up. Nearly half of america is allergic to alcohol. What is up FDA??? Or should we say Codex?




  1. Are you aware that rants are illegal on Yahoo?

    Please take your excuse for smoking pot to your local government. No one on yahoo can give you the green light to smoke pot legally.

    I drink gluten free beer and do just fine, thank you very much.

    My GPA on gluten was 3.98, and yes I was an undiagnosed celiac with sprue for 30+ years. ...(and btw, that average is for undergrad AND grad school).

    The gene markers only mean you have the POTENTIAL to develop celiac, it does NOT mean that it is triggered, and has NOTHING to do with an allergic (or rather a person with an allergy) , which means the reaction is ACQUIRED and a HISTAMINE mediated reaction to wheat.

    Please seek professional mental health care and stop putting nonsense like this on yahoo. Smoking anything is not healthy for anyone, nor is drinking to excess, which I suspect you tend to do before getting on YAnswers.

    P.S.  who is Merke Manuel? I think you mean the Merck Manual, lol!

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