
If the person you love most passed away and you can't attend the funeral would you feel guilty?

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or you would accept it as it was God's will?




  1. you can't live in regret

    you have to accept it or you can make yourself miserable

  2. There are only 2 situations where I would not be able to attend the funeral of the person I love most -- if I was hospitalized or if I was incarcerated. In those situations, I wouldn't feel guilt because it would be beyond my control. In any other situation, I would make it a priority to attend.

  3. I do take it as the God's will but just because I try to find a way to move on and  continue to live my life. But deep inside I do feel quilty even though, I had no phisical way of getting there in time. I keep telling myself, maybe God knew that seeing him in his coffin would rip me apart and I couldn't take it... Who knows..? It's very hard to accept the fact that you cannot do something when you want it so  bad. Even if it's a matter of life and death...

  4. I would NEVER accept it as God's will. I would accept it as a natural process of life regardless of the circumstance. We are born only to die as are all things in this Universe of ours.

    Although they may be gone, I will grieve for them as I would a warm summer's day in the midst of winter. But I have heard their song and it remains with me. I add it to my own and sing it often that neither they nor I shall be completely forgotten.

  5. No.

    I didn´t feel guilty when my father died at which moment I was on a different continent.

    But I was with him regardless the distance (or better to say, HE was with me). I felt his presence so intensively that being on his funeral or not didn´t mean a thing.

    I gave him farewell in the most beautiful way, silently in my painful heart.

  6. for a start there is no such thing as god!and if you loved the person so much then you would make sure that you get there

  7. Craps!

  8. I would say what is more important to you: 1) Closure of your loved one's passing or 2) the stigma of the attendees of the funeral of your real-abscence at the day of the funeral.

    a) if you can't have personal-closure without a funeral-ceremony you may need to request that the funeral be reschedued or request from the Mortician if you can have your own private-ceremony to do so.

    b) if it's the stigma of your friends and relatives that they may or not hold against you, I would take it with a grain of salt.... and depending on the real-importance of your conflicting-activity.... decide accordingly...

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