
If the person you loved the most was dieing and you were whaching would you help?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well, i would say i would just to seem heroic but knowing myself i would probably stand there shocked out of my mind and not do anything until someone ordered me around because my brain is not very good with emergencies like when my dad was having  cardiac arrest i didnt do anything until my mom told me what to do. i didnt even call nine oneone. but yeah if i didnt help them i would regret it for my entire life

  2. it depends on what was wrong with them... if it was something i could fix, OF COURSE... if not i would probably pray for them....

  3. Yes I would. My love for that person would make it impossible not to.

  4. No... of course I wouldn't

    /End Sarcasm

  5. Obvious question if you loved them yes

  6. Nope... not if they were helpless.

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