
If the polar ice caps melt, and water is more dense than ice then how will sea levels rise?

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If water is more dense, it takes up less space so how is it that sea levels rise?




  1. Good question.  I would guess that the amount of ice that is on land is significant, aren't there glaciers in Greenland 2 mile thick?

  2. The southern polar ice cap, along with the mile thick layer of ice on Greenland sits atop


    When that ice melts, it does nothing but add volume to the oceans that surround those land masses.

    Your observation only applies to the north polar ice cap.

  3. The sea level will rise from the melting of the glaciers which are located on land.

  4. because the majority of the polar ice caps are ABOVE the level of the water.

    This means although the melting of the ice cap IN the water will not contribute to rising sea levels, all the solid H20 which is above water level will melt and add more water to the seas, causing rising sea levels.

  5. Because there is hundreds of feet of it sitting on land. A good majority of the ice isn't displacing the oceans water levels. The problem happens when the shelfs start to melt.

    It's like me having a cup of water with an icecube sitting on the rim of the glass. When the icecube melts, its going to raise the water level on the cup of water.

  6. The ice melts. then the water goes up. then the people in the new york get a pool on the ninth floor. everyone is happy so don't worry. all you have to do is get a sleeping bag and live on the roof when the water comes. simple, yet soooo complex at the same time. wierd.

  7. Good point Archie (wasn't it that old Greek guy who first illustrated this principle to us ?)

    Only different if the ice is sitting on land -- I believe.

  8. It's because most of the ice is on land so it isn't in the water momentarily, so it will flood the land before it goes anywhere...and the once it does, it will just be that there's more water...

  9. The North Polar ice cap is already in the water, so it wouldn't cause a sea level rise.  The South Polar ice cap is on the continent of Antarctica.  It, along with the glaciers melting, will cause a rise in sea level.  This is water being added to the sea.

  10. DC will disappear

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