
If the poles are melting from global warming, how come the sea-level hasn't risen at all?

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I've been living right across the street from the beach for the last 20 years and the sea-level has not gone up one single milimeter. Yet all is hear is that the seas are rising because the poles are melting.




  1. Here's the basic "theory".  Icebergs "sit" in the water and displace an equal volume. Therefore, as they melt, they are not adding water volume.  Ice on top of a land mass melts and the water runoff does add volume to the oceans level.

    I believe this polar cap meltoff remains in a "debatable" state until someone can definitively prove it.

    However:     Here's an interesting fact:

    IF there is no global warming as the doubters and hoax theorists declare, then why is the fabled Northwest Passage, "ice free" for the first time in its recorded history

    ( 1840 ) ?     If it's not "heat" then what is the cause ?

    This is only 1 of 34 environmental anamolies world wide that contradict the "not warming climate" arguments.

  2. hay it's not that sea every where will have a raise in their level

    bcoz there r diffrent crest and depth in the sea

    the only thing is that some of the costal areas in a country will be most affected and some will be less.

    u r lucky if it had risen only 1 mm

    but u yourself cant make all this conclusion this require a expert opinion

  3. So you have that beach measured so precicly you can tell if moved up a milimeter? No waves at all ever, huh?

  4. Shh...Facts alarm the alarmist.


  6. LOL.  That's because you're a denier.  

    It's probably gone up a single millimeter over the past 10 years, but you haven't been measuring properly.  A consensus of scientists can't be wrong!  Who are you going to trust, them or your own eyes?

    Besides, WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG?  What if it's gone up 1 millimeter already?  Why, in 1000 years, it will go up a full meter!  And in just 10 years, that will mean 1 full centimeter!!!

    My god, do you realize, that's like almost a half an inch!!!  What are we going to do?  The end will be here and it will all be too late to stop it!!!

    Oh my GOD!!!!

    Everybody, it's time to PANIC!!!!

  7. i don't know if they have risen or not, quite honestly.  I do know this however a lot of the research they use is based off of speculation, because it has to be. they didn't track things like we do now a 1000 years ago or even a 100 for that matter. Not to mention they didn't have anything close to what we have for measuring. heck now we get rain reports for measurements now that ar really irrelevant. we now know if we got .5 inches or .062 inches. 30 years ago it was good enough to be either .5 or .75.

    when they go take a sample of ice from the Arctic region that they use to establish temps from 1000 years ago there is so much room for error, but they won't tell us that will they. I know there will be people who will react to that statement, so let's look at what i said. you drill an take a sample of ice and use it to determine temps from a 1000 years, and use that as fact. ok fine. how do they know that they are right? they don't, because they have nothing to judge it against. a lot of places had no means of recording temps or were unexplored so no one would even know what the temp was. how do they know their findings aren't 5 degrees off? they don't. it's all speculation for everything, but the near past and for everything in the future.

  8. It's a conspiracy my brother. Yeah well that ought to tell you something.

  9. naught has the basics..the north polar cap is already floating, so even if it all melts away there is no increase in sea fact there would be a small decrease but lets not quibble.......just as the volume in your drink doesn't rise when the ice melts,,,,

    and I've lived on a boat in the Caribbean for 35 years so I can tell you there is no increase in sea level happening here.....

  10. You seem to have more intelligence than some of the misguided people who wish to show how proud they are of their ignorance or stupidity.

    It proves to me that you actually have at least a few functional braincells,(unlike some of the answerer's responses to your question I have seen so far)!

    It seems that far too many people wish to reject science in favour of being 'Ripped Off' by  the politicians and special interest groups!

    Sanity has got to prevail, otherwise we are all doomed!

  11. I don't think that some people are going to appreciate you pointing out another real 'Inconvenient Truth'!

    Some fools will be quite proud to display their stupidity however.

    By saying that it has not changed by one single millimeter, is only going to provoke attack on your statement.

    Although I understand the point you are trying to make, many will not.

    Some people will point to areas where the sea levels 'APPEAR' to have risen like the south coast of England, and some parts of Alaska, while ignoring areas like parts of northern Scotland where the sea level seems to be in retreat.

    This is simply due to the tectonic movement of land masses.

    All land masses are in constant motion.

    If we were able to look at a time-lapse film of the Earth taken over the last 3 million years,(let us say one frame per hundred years) and played it back at the conventional 24 frames per second, you would have a 20 minute video showing all of the land masses not only in movement, but acting like bottle corks tossed into a lake during a gentle breeze.

    There could never be any scientific way of accurately measuring any fluctuation in sea levels since there is no 'fixed' reference point from which to measure.

    The entire arctic ice cap could melt without having any effect whatsoever since all of the ice has already displaced the volume of water that would be created by it's conversion back to it's liquid state.

    In order for there to be any increase in sea levels would require all of the land glaciers to melt, and even this would have minor impact.

    The only way that significant rise in sea level could occur would be for all weather to stop.

    If we no longer had any rain or snow, then all of the water would eventually wind up in the oceans.

    All life on this planet would die long before we ever saw that type of condition!

  12. 1. The sea level *has* risen, by about 20cm globally over the last ~100 years. That's 2mm/year on average, or 4cm over the last 20 years. You wouldn't notice it without some fairly sophisticated equipment, or if the land you were on was fairly low-lying.

    2. The North pole is floating. Floating ice is 6/7ths as dense as water, so it floats with 1/7th of it's mass above waterlevel. When it melts, it becomes more dense (weighs more, takes up less space), and doesn't change the level of the water around it So melting sea ice has no effect on seal level.

    3. Glaciers word wide are, largely, melting. This water will make it's way into the sea, and sea levels will rise (and have risen). Also, most ice on antarctica is glacial, so if there are major melts down there, sea levle could rise dramatically (for example, if large parts of the Western Ice sheet were to slip into the ocean, sea level could rise up to 7m in a matter of decades. Greenland is similar.

  13. It rise every year but only a  centimeter a year that's not recognizable because it's only small

  14. you just based your facts in your place. try to see what is happening across Asia. always try to research it yourself before you start criticizing those information.

  15. It's about consolidation of power through fear, that's why.

  16. Ahhhh, it takes a little longer than 20 years for the whole WORLD's water supply to be altered to a level we, non-scientists, would be able to calculate.

  17. possibly because ice takes up 10% more volume than the same amount of water.

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