
If the police can't find any Evidence..... what happens?

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If the Police and Investigators can't find anything on Casey Anthony, Does she walk free? And does she have any sort of court that'll be showing on tv?




  1. there more than one way to arrest people.  

  2. They have enough evidence to convict her of 1st degree child neglect and endangerment.  There are cases when someone is convicted of murder without a body, so if they don't find Caylee, I hope they can get her for murder with circumstantial evidence.  I think Casey's parents are the only ones in the US in denial that Casey killed her.

  3. If it's important to have someone behind bars and there's no evidence, they fit you up instead.

    I haven't a clue who Casey Anthony is, so I can't comment about that.

  4. Right now I believe they said with charges she has it will be six yrs.I am sure the judge will keep her in there the entire time.He is pissed she has lied to detectives taken them on goose chases through universal saying she worked there.etc.

    They are going to have enough circumstantial evidence to try her I believe.The hair the bodily fluid in car not cooperating etc.Plus it doesn't look good w party pictures if you have a child missing are you going to be out partying?she acts as though she knows whats happen and moving on with life and now shes studying law books in jail and wont see her family.She doesn't want to answer their questions about why caylee isnt home for her third birthday.

    The police are not going to let her go.No way!They will try to have her for life..they will come up with anything they can to keep her til she gives in to say where the body is ..Dna isntr back yet..but i say its caylees dna in the car..that will be more than enough..why else would caylees dna be in the truck??

  5. It will have to break some point in time. It won't be like the McCann case where the parents commit murder and walk free. Our police will, eventually, get the truth.  

  6. No evidence makes for a harder prosecution, but they can still prosecute. If they can show motive, opportunity, etc, they can even convict without evidence.

  7. The case gets shelved!

  8. They have found evidence, that is why she was arrested.  

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