
If the poms win the world cup, it will be the greatest disaster in rugby histroy since 2003 world cup?

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i hope the crooked poms dont win the world cup playing hopeless rugby! if they do, it will do rugby so much harm that these fools from a primitive country playing primitve rugby to win! it was a sad day when the crooked poms won last time, it will destroy rugby forever!! just because poms fluke their way into a semi dont mean they are a good team, it just mean they got lucky in that particular day! there is no way the poms are good at rugby, and i dont care how much further they get in the world cup, no one likes england, and john o'neill said everyone DOES hate england!! i think english people are arrogant, selffish, have a born-to-rule mentality, live in the primitive ages, and english are downright vulgar! god no more of these crooks winning anymore games! i cant wait till the next ashes series so we can whip those crooked pommies 5-0 yet again!




  1. Primitive Country?????????

    Does that make the whole of Britain primitive??????

    I agree that most countries do hate the English, go ahead and insult them, insult the way they play but not the way they live because you then insult their neighbours, who live in  the same way, which I take personally!

    You may need to eat humble pie as opposed to a huge bunch of sour grapes!

    Primitive is another word for ABORIGINAL!!!!!!!

  2. I'm a Pommy blerk living in Australia and before I came over here, a mate at my rugby club told me that "Australians are good at sport but not very sporting" - how true and confirmed by your idiotic statement.

    The laws of rugby dictate how it is played and it may not be pretty but it can be effective, the Australian pack were totally demolished (again), and as the old adage goes "It's the forwards who decide who wins a game and the backs by how many".

    Anyway how come the All Blacks 'choked' and the Wallabies were 'overawed by the occasion'?

    Where do you live I might come around and have a beer with you while the semis are on?

    What did Jesus say to the Aborigines when he was in Australia?

    "Sit there and don't do anything till I get back"

    Have a look at yourself you are just a sore looser...

  3. Snap! well said. I agree, If those little *********.E.S win again it will b the greatest disaster in rugby histroy. There a nation full of dumb parasites. Go France

  4. The trouble with the poms is that they think they are better than everyone else.  If they do win the cup, they don't deserve it.  The other 3 teams in the semis do deserve it.  They cry when things do not go their way.  Their style of play is negative.  They laugh at NZ for only winning the cup once, but they forget that their soccer team has only won the world cup once, which is a bigger tournerment.

  5. i agree, i reckon tht the french should win the world cup cause it would p**s the engligh off and tht would be good.

  6. I agree with you.

  7. agree!!!! it will be a disaster i dont want to hear any more english saying they are world champions and play like c**p. we all had to hear it for 4 years now enough with the lucky wins pls!!!!

  8. lol, probs win it, at least the aussies were booted out by england again! come on england!

  9. HaHaHaHa at first I thought this was quite offensive but actually it's so amusing!  i can almost see you stamping your foot having your little tanty!  Since when does boring rugby make a team crooked?  and given that your whole legal system, schooling and democracy is based on that of the UK, doesn't that mean that you too live in the primitive ages?  Sadly there are indeed some English people with those unattractive traits you describe - but it's a bit far fetched to describe the whole country that way isn't it?  I was surprised England beat Australia at the weekend - but beat them they did so grow up and get over it and climb back in your pram and just be happy when Australia do things - which they certainly will in the coming years!

  10. Since when did Sri Lankans start faking to be Aussies?

  11. It's a long flight back to Oz isn't it!? HAHAHA.

  12. Especially with a team full of poofs, cant stand those bloody englishmen, just hate them aye, Im behind you all the way mate.



  14. England won it last time as the No1 ranked team in the world and beat NZ, Australia & South Africa 12 times in row leading up & including the 2003 final. Hardly crooked!

    Yes, it wouldn't seem right if they won this time around as they are not the best team by rankings.

    By the way, if you're talking about crooks, didn't they get sent your direction 200 years ago?

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