
If the present US population decreased by 1% every year ..... how many years would it take for the population?

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to be under 100 people ??




  1. The above answer is correct. And when I did that calculation I got 1,486 years.

  2. forget it

    this is a huge problem that can only be solved by a very huge or drastic measures ,and nobody want s to talk about that ,but things are being done already for 20 odd years

    in 1998 Kissinger said at a closed bilderberg meeting that their Agenda demanded a decrease in the world population by 60%

    the mind boggles at how this can be achieved

    and many strange things are happening

    many ¨natural ¨disasters,an posible impending nuclear war,

    In the last 50 years world population has doubled a faster growth ever since we became homo sapian.

    the effects on the environment are

    ,erosian,over pumping of carbon aquifiers(deep wells)

    desertification,rising seas,land loss,deforrestation,watershort...

    excess carbon emissions,mass extinction of species and global warming.

    each year an extra 70 million people are washing and consuming water but this is ,but a small part of what agriculture uses.

    the first thing we should do is go to town on education and birth control

    most teenage pregnancies and families with many children is in very poor and uneducated regions .

    here are some remedies to considder

    population control in the past and present

    War (past .present and future)

    Natures way disease(today,past and future)

    Manufactured disease(suspected today)

    cures that kill(suspected today)

    poisoned consumer goods (suspected today)

    making children infertile or g*y,by raising the PH level in drinking water or even drinks (suspected today)

    birth control,(in the past the Olmecs women ate yams to make them infertile,today we have several methods but most reach only the educated ,i handed out condoms to an native Mazatecca comunity in oaxaca ,and the church retrieved them all )

    education on birth control(not enough,again the poor regions are excluded )

    laws that limit childbirth per family(China)

    human sacrifice(Mayas ,Aztecs,druids),may be the best option ,it would remove the strain on Natural resources and make more available for survivers ,stop expanding populations from deforresting preciuous woods because of settlement and expanding farming

    ,take the pressure of drink water supplies ,there would be less need for Wars ,we could use the blood and remains to compost fields that were destroyed by irresponsible agriculture

    and at the end of the day if we did it in a dignified manner we could have lots of religious parties ,better then bombing societies across the world making everybody angry ,and the Gods would be over the Moon

  3. Call   Y   the answer.  Then solve this equation for   Y.:

    0.99 to the  Yth power   x   300,000,000   =   100.   The reasoning is that if the population decreases by 1% each year,  then each year sees  0.99 as many people as the previous year.

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