
If the presidential elections were held today who would you vote for and why?

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If the elections were today who would you vote for and why would you vote for them. Obama or Mc Cain cast your vote




  1. i wouldn't vote for neither. they both want to continue wars and inefficient policies that will not do very much good at all to our country.

    for a long time obama wanted to take out the troops. i read an article recently that he wants to continue chasing osama. now he's a bush-head as well.

    other than that. theirs more selections. the media is making you think theirs only 2.


  2. McCain.

    Because Obama makes me sick to my stomach.  

  3. Obama.  I'm an independent who despises Bush.  I liked McCain, and a McCain Lieberman ticket would have been interesting and might have gotten my vote.

    Apparently McCain's first choice was Lieberman, but the religious right threatened revolution if McCain picked Lieberman, so McCain caved in to pressure and selected Palin in too much of a hurry.  I think she is a mistake.  Also I think McCain is running a very negative Karl Rove style campaign and I hate that.  For those reasons and more I'm leaning towards Obama.

  4. McCain, I don't like Obama. he's not qualified to run our country  

  5. I second obamanat.

  6. obama, I want change.

  7. Obama; change is good, particularly since country is in no great shape at the moment, so the cliche "it can't get any worse" certainly applies.

    i also think its unfair that people will be voting for the Mc Cain because of his skin, and the idiots voting against Obama, because his name sounds like 'Osama"

  8. McCain/Palin...because I'm Pro Life, Pro Gun, and a future business owner.

  9. McCain, becuase I don't like the name Hussein.

    America is a Christian Nation and we cannot tolerate people with Muslim names as our leader.

  10. McCain. for many reasons. Obama wants to increase taxes on ''rich'' people. so what about somebody works 2or3 jobs [like MY mom] so they can be ''rich''. then what, will the work 4 or 5 jobs to be ''rich'' or just simply  give up and be ''less fortunate''? and its already hard for them anyways, why make it harder?!!??  and plus, the taxes go to ''poor'' people right? well, if its someone who is actually homeless and all that, i personaly wouldnt mind paying a little extra for them, but if its someone who's LAZY to get a job, so they choose to be ''poor'' so the goverment pays for their expensis, no. no way.

    also i am against abortion. i agree 100000% about McCain banning abortion. it is practicly murder. and not just that, but to your own child!!!!

    and Obama, he acts like a celebrity. like seriously. he does. always on the news, posing for picutres blah blah blah. i dont want paris hilton running my country.

    do you think obama cares about the united states. like really? do u? cuz he doesnt even care about the people who made the us THE US! aka us troops. the people who fought and lost arms and legs and died for this country. the people who have family at home and can't see them till every, what, 2 yrs. o so? and he [ obama ] doesnt even care to visit them. CAN U BELIVE THAT!!! ridiculous. just ..... ugh.! it just gets me upset!!!

    and i thought i was a great idea to bring a new religion and race into the white house.   i have nothing against his religion. all

    \but one thing i fear about obama is that this may be all a act and he may be like hitler or something. not as drastic. just like take over the country and world....blah blah blah...

  11. Obama - he has shown that he is tempered and intelligent. We need a change from Bush's presidency which has burned through our surplus, put us in two wars and collapsed our economy.

  12. Reform Team.  Not the Change Team.  Our Government is broken, to much do nothing politics's.  We need those that KNOW how to work across party lines and make the hard choices, not some mouth piece.

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