
If the price of gas doubles in the next year, what changes will you have to make?

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If the price of gas doubles in the next year, what changes will you have to make?




  1. Luckily I live close to school and work, but I will probably have to carpool with my boyfriend a lot more, and start thinking about buying a smaller car (I drive a Camry now, which is good on gas, but I figure I can find something with even better MPG).

    Will also need to limit my errands to one day a week or something like that, looks like I won't be going out as much either!

    Wow scary thought.

    I am pretty much trying to do those things now though, my boyfriend and I carpool a few times a week and I usually run my errands in one or 2 days.

    It will also really limit the 8 hour drive I take to see my family every few months :(

    d**n economy.

  2. We won't go on that many long distance trips.  And I will have to start shopping more in bulk so I am not making to many trips to the stores.

  3. Sell my truck then find a job thats less then 50 miles away. As it is I curse Bushes name every day when i wake up

  4. I'll be unemployed. I will not be able to afford the gas it takes to get to work. Since I'm disabled I can't walk or ride a bicycle.

  5. Won't be going nowhere

    Have to find work from home

  6. without going into politics,my wife and I made some small modifications;it wasnt that hard. we"re at the stage where it doesnt impact us as much.

  7. I will change my vote to make Congress Replican-led again. The barrel was at $70 before Dems' took over....also the Republcians want to drill now!

  8. by a moped and try to convert it to run on something other then expensive *** gasoline

  9. I might try to work from home. What I found interesting was Utah is making the 4 day work week mandatory which cuts back on fuel, so hopefully more states will adopt this plan.

  10. Getting used to my new Costa Rican neighbors - in Costa Rica!


  11. take on extra hours at work and cut out luxuries

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