
If the price of gas suddenly becomes $8/gallon then does the USA government have a response plan?

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Suppose the price of gas increases to $8/gallon. Does the USA government have a response plan? Could $8/gallon gas be like the deadly Bird-Flu outbreak of 1918. You'll just have to suffer from it.




  1. Yes

    - Stop new refinerys from being built by new companies

    - Stop new companies from drilling for oil

    - Do all it can to prevent a "free energy market"

    - Make sure there is no competition with a lower price

    They are doing this quite well allready.

  2. A response plan?  What are you talking about?

    That's not an emergency, it's an inconvenience.

  3. very unlikely!

  4. $8.00 gas is not an emergency???  That is a mistaken statement for sure.  If gas hits $8 a gallon, our economy is in real danger of collapse.  The price of gas affects much more than just your trip to the grocery.  Fuel costs have a direct impact on virtually every aspect of our lives.  Also, this isn't just gas, it's oil in general, which includes heating oil for people during the winter.  Higher fuel costs are causing many businesses to cut workers, products, including food, are rising to compensate, and the trucking and airline industries are in serious trouble.

    Most people in the government have no plan except to discuss the problem and argue about it.  The simple fact of the matter here is that we have a major fuel and energy crisis in America right now that has taken decades to deteriorate, and can't be solved overnight.  We need to immediately expand energy resources we have available now, such as nuclear and untapped oil in the US, until we can further develop alternative energy to a point where it is a cost-effective and viable resource for people.  Instead, we have one presidential candidate wanting to raise taxes on oil, natural gas, and coal, and the other only now starting to see the urgency of the situation and suggesting we study the situation further.

  5. Depends if it is before or after November.  These high prices are helping the dems win the oval office so they are rooting for it to go up as high as possible between now and then.

  6. It's NOT the governments place to have a plan.

    Government is NOT the solution to your problems, Government IS THE PROBLEM!

  7. In 1978 i lived in France.  Gas was $3.50 a gallon.  I thought they were kidding.  They sold it by the liter.  In America it was 39 cents a gallon.   The French people didn't think anything about paying.  We'll get used to it too.

  8. No plan.  This administration has a history of no long term plan.

  9. Watch the dollar!  The falling dollar correlates with the rising gas prices... makes sense really.

    The falling dollar can be blamed on the non-federal Federal Reserve.  They keep pumping more money into the economy lowering interest rates and in effect that devalues our dollar.

    You bet the government can do something about the Federal Reserve, but they just won't.

    Listen to what Ron Paul has to say.

    He's no kook, he's brilliant.

  10. The CITIZENS have a plan.  Our Government, sadly NO.  They would like to see nothing better than we the people suffer.

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