
If the price of gasoline doubles where would you want to be? City, Country, Suburb and why?

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What are possible scenarios you see occurring in next 5 years.




  1. There are already quite a few people moving from the country to the cities because they can't afford the commute to work any more.

    As the gas prices continue to rise, the population of the cities will grow.

  2. Country.  If the price of gas doubles, the price of food will, too.  In the country, I can raise my own food.

  3. Any country except the US, where technology is still back in the stone age compared to the European and Asian countries and cars that get 70 plus m.p.g. are old news, plus they meet stricter environmental standards as well.

    In cases the road taxes are higher but the roads are also in much better condition as well unlike the US where they collect the taxes and then spend them on everything but what they were intended for.

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