
If the "black box" flight recorder never damages during plane crash, why isn't whole airplane made out of it

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If the "black box" flight recorder never damages during plane crash, why isn't whole airplane made out of it





    Anyway, a plane cannot be constructed out of the same material that makes up a black box. Firstly, the plane would be far to heavy to get into the air and secondly, the huge impact of the crash would kill everyone on board, even if the plane didn't blow up, etc.

  2. It weighs too much.  It's the thickness of the metal that protects the recorded data.  Plus, even if they could somehow manufacture it, the impact of the crash would still kill most of the people on board.

  3. You've got to know that is the most asked questions.


    It's made of heavy steel, often damaged, and a plane made of it would be too heavy to fly.


  4. Because the black box is made out of thick steel which would make the plane too heavy to function normally,

  5. Because its very expensive to manufacture and the Airlines would rather save the data than passenger lives. Every time someone comes out with an invention to protect passengers the airlines with their lobby groups have had it shelved.

    A 1200 pound Formula 1 car can hit a concrete wall at over 200 mph and the driver will survive. Why can't the passengers in an airplane going the same speed? Because the airlines won't spend the money. That and the fact that if they did, a flight from Boston to New York would cost Five Thousand Dollars and the plane would only carry 20 passengers. Even the flying public would never accept that.

  6. Stop asking this ******* stupid question people.

  7. the weight of a plane has nothing to do with flying, because there is always something powerful enough to make it fly also it's more about the engineering of the plane like wing angles and stuff like that. but my point is, once you're going above 80mph, it doesn't matter what you're in, it will be damaged. and a plane going faster than 400mph, it will crumble up like tin foil.

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