
If the rain was more humid, should we have a problem with that dry weather?

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If the rain was more humid, should we have a problem with that dry weather?




  1. you can not get more humid that 100% water, as rain is made up from

  2. Humidity is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air.  Normally expressed as Relative Humidity (RH), which is a measure of the amount of water in the air compared to the maximum the air can hold.  Example - 60% RH means the air contains 60% of the maximum amount of water vapour.  The amount of water vapour air can contain changes with temperature, warmer air being capable of retaining more mositure.

    When RH reaches 100% the water vapour forms droplets of water which fall to earth as rain or are deposited on surfaces as dew.

    In effect then, rain is the result of 100% humidity and it can't be made more or less humid.

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