
If the reality of global warming was the opposite of what you think what would you do differently?

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If the reality of global warming was the opposite of what you think what would you do differently?




  1. Since I believe that the world is going to cool and winters will start sucking again, the thought of sea level rising, growing seasons becoming even longer and more importantly fishing season would last even longer, I would be estatic. I want to see sea level's begin rising, bring it on.

  2. If global warming weren't caused by humans, I wouldn't do much differently because fossil fuels are still a limited and dwindling resource which we need to end our addiction on.

    I certainly wouldn't be spending much time here though!

  3. nothing we would still need to conserve our resources especially oil because we use it in nearly everything.

  4. Nothing.  We still need to stop importing massive amounts of foreign oil.

    Or, do you like your country's total economic dependence on other nations, many of who don't like us?

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