
If the ref would not have not called the match, who would have won, Slice or Thompson?

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Thompson dominated Slice on the ground but on feet Slice throws devastaing blows. What would have happened if that ref would not have called the match? Would Thompson have won, or would have Kimbo delivered a knockout?




  1. Kimbo probably would have knocked Thompson out within the next minute or so, but it seems like the fight should have continued, especially since Thompson withstood some brutal hits in round two and still won the round. If Thompson had been able to make the fight go to a decision he would have clearly won, unless Kimbo did enough int he last few minutes of the third round to win the round 10-8.

    "kimbo did well overall. and its not that he was manhandled, thompson is just bigger. he looked good in his guard at first, then his inexperience showed when he tried some rookie headlocks and lack of jujitsu when thompson cornered him. dont say he didn't do good because he did. if Thompson

    was so much better, he would've taken advantage from the beginning."

    Kimbo looked like absolute garbage. His punching looked sloppy and his ground game was laughable. Kimbo didn't know the difference between a headlock and a guillotine and was losing a decsion to a terrible fighter. I'm not saying Thompson was better, but he sucks, so saying Kimbo is better than James Thompson is hardly a compliment.

  2. kimbo did well overall. and its not that he was manhandled, thompson is just bigger. he looked good in his guard at first, then his inexperience showed when he tried some rookie headlocks and lack of jujitsu when thompson cornered him. dont say he didn't do good because he did. if Thompson

    was so much better, he would've taken advantage from the beginning. kimbo really showed me something when he was taken down early. he was sloppy later, but to learn that in a little time is amazing.   kimbos striking was better from the beginning and clearly had the advantage standing up tonight.

    i do think that they stopped it too early, though Thompson got 4 direct hits in a row without guarding. i think the way that was going he would've gotten knocked out, BUT Thompson wasn't falling just like he wasn't falling in the 2nd. if kimbo didn't knock him out in that sequence im sure Thompson would've thrown him on the ground and pounded him to victory. i think kimbo did good, he made it to the 3rd rnd and that was a feat in itself. it was obvious Thompson didn't want to trade punches with him

  3. I think Kimbo would have.

  4. Kimbo should have lost in 2nd round, ref should have stopped it there.

    But Kimbo had the Knockout goin in the 3rd so he would have won if ref didnt stop it.  Thompson was all crosseyed and out of it.

  5. THOMPSON would have taken him and got a UD

  6. The judges scored both rounds unanimously 10-9 to Thompson. If Thompson had been able to hold on for the third round, he would have won by unanimous decision for sure. Kimbo delivered the knockout, though.

  7. Draw.

  8. Kimbo would have won the fight had it continued. The two had a good fight. However, Kimbo was landing some hard punches. The ref had no choice but to call it though. This was the first prime time event for a sport that has a whole section of the company that thinks it is barbaric. Had the ref not called it and Kimbo kept beating on a guy that is already covered in blood, that would have been the only time you would see it on national television. Plus, it was obvious Thompson was staggering a little. My opinion is that at the time, the refs believed that he was unable to defend himself, and I think I agree with that.

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