
If the republicans put the greeter at the local Walmart as the VP candidate, would they still be as excited?

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as they are now over Palin ?

How do you get so excited and jubilant about someone you never even heard of before last week? I can see getting excited over say Romney, or Huckabee because they've been on the election circuit for over a year. Especially, two months before election day. Do not compare to Obama because he has been campaigning and getting to know the American people for the last year and a half.




  1. Palin is new. A person that everybody knows and has been around for awhile is incapable of rejuvenating the party. She was picked to bring energy and pizazz back.

  2. How many people outside of Illinois knew of Obama before this fiasco mudslinging called primaries existed?

    And Obama does NOT know the American people.  All I have heard is we need change, and where has the public's opinion been of Congress since the Dem's took over control?

    You bet, worse than the argument over George W.

    I wouldn't compare Obama, he doesn't measure up and hasn't the ability to run this nation.

  3. I think you could have stuck a bum on stage, told him/her to say "Obama bad, Biden bad.  McSame really good!"  And I think people at the RNC would have creamed their pants.

  4. Probably. Because the greeter at Wal Mart will likely be an old POW veteran who finished 5th from last in their class but wasn't fortunate enough to marry a rich heiress.

  5. The base of the Republican party, is mostly from the Religious Right and they aren't happy with McCain's positions or abortion and other right wing interests.

    So he picked first a woman to shake up all those old white men, and next one who, will cater to the NRA and  Hunters and those so called


    We will have to wait and see, if the great centers of America will accept her so excitedly.

    I know I won't.

  6. no ... typically Walmart greeters don't spew fear and intimidation ... the greeter would be too liberal for them. lol

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