
If the second coming ever did arrive, what do you think would happen to him/her/it?

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People get locked in institutions for making such claims. People are killed if they influence the population in anyway other than towards committing genocide. (That is a fact!)




  1. Well, last time, he turned up on Wogan wearing a turqoise tracksuit - much to the amusement of all.

  2. The first thing that you can be sure of is that he'd be excommunicated, condemned from the pulpit and stigmatized as a heretic who doesn't understand the "true" meaning of Christianity.

    Then, having challenged and shaken the ecclesiastical authorities of our day, just like he did with the Pharisees, he'd be shot by a raving fanatic at one of his rallies whilst simply trying, again, to ask us to Love one another.

    It'd be less painful than his first coming, but still a pretty unhappy ending.

  3. Obviously, a lack of biblical knowledge is showing.

    The second coming will be in power and majesty, nothing will happen to him.  It's everyone else who's got to worry.  Philippians 2:10: "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth."  - Including those (who in their current and self-assumed cleverness) compare him to Santa because their minds are closed.

  4. The same thing that happened last time.

  5. More likely that they wouldn't receive the worldwide attention required to make a difference.

    That accolade is only provided to celebrities, pop stars, sports stars etc. Global media coverage and hero worship is now based on someones ability to look good on screen, stage or kick a ball around with a small amount of talent.

    The second coming would probably be drowned out in the background and mankind would probably be left to rot!

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