
If the sky is flooded, and we breathe underwater, are we swimming or flying?

by  |  earlier

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I always wonder about this.

The future is a scary thing.




  1. both. flulds are liqids and gases.

  2. we are flying in water.

  3. Swimming

  4. how high are you right now?

    put down the bong for a second

  5. WHAT!?

  6. wtf get some help

  7. are you on drugs?

  8. Swimming, of course, everything swims in liquids, (Water) and flies through gases. (Air)

  9. I'd say we're swimming since we're in water.  We could be flying if we were in the air, but we walk in air too.  So I'd say water overpowers air any day.  Totally swimming.

  10. I think you killed The Brain with your stupidity

  11. first the sky cannot be flooded the gravatational force will pull the water down, moreover we will require millions & millions gallons of water which is not possible as the world today is loosing water resources so I wander such a ghastly idea can ever take place

  12. actually we will be doing both.  according to you if the circumstance ever arises !

  13. i know ur scared of global warming, right?

    dont worry this generation will die before water floods earth

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