
If the sniping and the hyped-up rhetoric with the contenders ...?

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is not affecting you , personally, Do you think it's affecting the compatibility country as a whole? In other words, is it being divisive to a point where we will have more dissention than ever in this country?




  1. The dem sniping is really affecting so much I had hardly stop laughing, and slick willie is hilarious. Have you noticed his nose is growing again? So is Hillary's. But his plan of lies misdirection by taking Obama's attention off of Hillary and focusing on sparing with him is working for them. She did the same thing when Kerry was running against Bill for the nomination.

  2. Dessention? Yes we have alot of that. Look at the number of voters and youcan tell how many people have given up, not compatible. Politics is tough business and so is democracy but it is worth the effort, trouble is most people feel too busy to give the process the needed time and effort required to participate effectively. Dirty politics leaves most with the choice of the lessor of two evils. Having said that "no" will be my answer to wether this is the worst it has ever been, this is the way it has always been.

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