
If the song title Two of out Three Ain't Bad makes sense in most cases what about three quarters?

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For the past week I've been struggling with my Gateway-Longview past because I've felt like they robbed me of two years of my happiness. Yesterday when i was taking a walk to clear my head I got so caught up is this Gateway drama I forgot I did have three out of four of my high school years in a public school setting. Does this make sense to anybody? I shouldn't care if I've missed one school year out of four in a public school setting, right?




  1. If you are dwelling on something that happened that long ago, you may want to seek help.

  2. It is perfectly normal to resent wrongs that have been done to you.  But you need to give yourself a certain amount of time to be angry and resentful about it, then move on.  Life isn't fair.  That is one of the hardest lessons to learn in life, because it seems so logical that it should be fair.  Some people in authority do not have the student's interest at heart.  They are bullies that grew up and put themselves into positions where they can legally bully the underdogs and downtrodden.  Fortunately most teachers are not like this.  You have been cursed with more than your share, obviously.  But you cannot give them the satisfaction of ruining your life.  You must move past this and work toward your future.  Get a good education and make something of yourself.  Prove them wrong.  The best revenge is to prosper and live well and happy.

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