
If the soul is eternal, does it mean intelligence, mind and senses are aldo eternal?

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  1. Yes, if we had an immortal soul.

    But these things are not eternal.

  2. i think the rest dies as your brain activity level reaches zero.

  3. Well what does our soul hold? It holds our eternal spirit of life. If life is to learn and feel then we have all of this within our soul. hope this Helps

  4. The short answer is that nearly all of the non-material aspects of each of us survives death.  Our relationship with God is symbiotic.  For those of us who know and love God we are able to actually expand God through God's assimilation of billions of experiences from millions of individually functioning pieces of God.

    I decided to clarify and elaborate on this subject which takes us to the highest level of theological thought.  The aspects of each of us that our Creator assimilates and makes part of the ever expanding God include only that which is consistent with the Mind of God.  God therefore assimilates the parts of each of us the manifest God-like virtues of love, kindness, compassion, mercy and grace.  These virtues create consistent vibrations with God and are therefore seamlessly merged with God.

  5. Yes.  As all of your senses are connected to your soul, once you die Why would you lose them?

  6. The soul is eternal. The soul is that which gives consciousness to this temporary material body and does not die when the body dies. The intelligence mind and senses which we acquire knowledge through in this world are also temporary, they are product of the material elements. There are eight material elements. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego. Our material bodies are composed of these eight elements. The soul, once freed from it's material conditioned state has no need for the material mind and senses, due it it's being fully transcendental to the material nature. Being fully conscious would mean, that there is no need for a separate set of mind, intelligence and senses like we have in this world. The soul is already full of bliss and knowledge by constitutional nature. The soul has no need for mind, intelligence, false ego and the five knowledge acquiring senses when in the eternal spiritual world as it is already full of knowledge. Spirit being the superior energy to matter. When the soul re-awakens it's dormant spiritual consciousness or God consciousness then it has no need for a separate set of senses,mind etc. It has awakened to it's full state of spiritual awareness and therefore functions on a much higher unconditioned spiritual level of consciousness where the functions of mind, intelligence etc are all an eternally integral non-different existence with the soul. The material mind, senses, intelligence etc. borrow their plumes from the soul who has all the functions of these elements incompleteness as non-different from itself. Hope this has made some sense. Take care. Best wishes. Thanks for the question. Nice one, keep them coming, makes me think and stops me from being lazy. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  7. The soul - as many answerers have stated, it should first be defined. If the soul equals intelligence, mind and the senses, then yes, they will be eternal if the soul is eternal.

    But what about someone who is blind? Of course, you can argue (and I would agree) that blindness is a physical defect or a material mishap. So that, if the material bit was corrected (such as the eye or the brain) the person would have no problem seeing.

    The soul is who we are - so perhaps we can call it the "self". I have a blog (link: ) in which I am writing my own philosophy about the "self" and you are welcome to come and comment and subscribe.


    Have a great day too!

  8. Can you give a definition of "soul" please ? Then MAYBE we could make a sensible answer.

  9. What is soul?  Define mind?  Senses take on a new meaning after they have been overloaded.  Is intelligence inherent in DNA?  Or is it more?

  10. What is the soul?    IF IT IS NOT intelligence, mind spirit and senses.........

  11. I believe nothing is eternal.



  12. Soul can exist without the adjuncts,where as adjuncts

    appear and disappear in different states so they are


  13. That the soul is eternal is an over-simplification and leads to the misconception that he soul, the individual soul as an entity, is eternal.

    The best analogy yet devised to illustrate this is that of the space enclosed within a jar which is no different in reality from the infinite space all around. Infinite space is certainly eternal, all else apperars and disappears within it. The mind and senses are the subtle, and the physical body the gross, constituents that form the 'jar'.  On the destruction of the jar (death), the physical returns to earth in an eternal re-cycling process, and the subtle (what we are really refering to when we say 'soul'), released from the physical, seeks out a newly-formed one. Only in rare cases is the subtle body destroyed too, making further emobodiment impossible. In time, though, all must finally come to this.

    So the soul is not eternal. The being, which precedes all this and is in the centre of all this, the space within, is. The soul would be, then, only our sense of identification with body, mind and senses. Not only is it not eternal, as such it does not even exist. And what IS eternal does not have to be striven for, how can it?  It being eternal, it is there even now. It only has to be seen. Only the conceptions and misconceptions standing in the way must be removed. And by 'only' I do not mean it is simple to do; I mean  there is nothing else to do.

  14. There are more 'ifs' hidden in this question than appear on the page.

    If the soul exists as a separate entity....

    If the soul has any connection with intelligence....

    If the soul is material, and can connect with the senses....

    If mind and soul have anything to do with each other....

    Any sensible answer will depend on the way the above conditions are resolved. For instance, soul and mind were the same for the ancient Greeks (psyche). For the Romans, soul equalled life = breath (anima). For modern Christians, the soul seems to be viewed as a non-material and detachable part of the person.

    In a word, decide what a soul is and whether you are one, or have one, and I think that your questions will answer themselves.

  15. Well, I guess if you believe in an eternal soul, there's have to be some kind of intelligence there or everyone in heaven (or h**l) would be babbling idiots. No wait- God could fix that! Perhaps we don't need senses, mind, and  intelligence in heaven, cuz we're all perfect! That would solve a lot of problems.

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