
If the soul is eternal than why do people say that life is short?

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Cleary the soul never dies only the physical body. We go through many rebirths and deaths to learn life lessons.

We have all eternality to get it right or we can end up being a lost soul.

But anyway what do you guys think?

Is the soul eternal and if its not is life really short?




  1. clearly there is no soul

  2. I looked up Quantum Entanglement and it's hard to follow.  But I can see the possible connection.

    As for why people say life is short,

    we never live our lives as we one day will have wished we had.  We know this and hope that one day we will have the courage to live our life as we wished we could.

    It's not about our afterlife, it's about our nature to waste our present life.

  3. People say that life is short because they worry too much.  

    Say this in your head, "my life is soooooo long, that each second is as long as my mind can imagine."

    Now, I say to you that you have the longest life than anyone can imagine but you.

  4. Three score and ten is poignantly balanced as a span scarcely adequate for the fulfillment of our dreams and, at the same moment, as a sentence of unbearable length, choked with contemplative yearning for lives unlived and potential selves lost irretrievably in the mingled scream of weltering tempest and plangent wave.

  5. when people refer to life being short they are referring to this human life on earth.  Our spiritual selves never end...they are eternal.

  6. Life IS short in the context of cosmic time (the Earth is BILLIONS of years old). The "soul" of which you speak is a human fantasy fueled by the yearning to become immortal. A myth for those needing answers to the unanswerable.

    What is eternal is the legacy that each of us leave of our lifetimes. Be diligent, creative, and work hard at it because it's all there is when you are gone.

  7. Well, I think that the soul is eternal.  However, it only gets one chance at living life on earth. I don't believe in many rebirths.  That is why life is short.  You only get one shot, then it's heaven or h**l.

  8. the soul is not eternal. i don't see how anyone could say that clearly it is. it actually doesn't even exist. though that is not clearly visible.

    people say life is short because the older you get the faster time goes by and you only get one chance at it.

  9. Life as you know it is short, and while you are living you are acting as a media for thousands of people who have died before you and that have loved others.  How beautiful is it to have a life and care for those many souls within you!

    I don't believe that life is eternal; our soul is manifested as a real physical connection between people's subconscious minds.  The form it takes is dependent upon whom we love and the space provided in the minds of those still living.  So when the last person dies, so do all the souls contained within that person.  When an asteroid hits the Earth, unless people are living elsewhere, all the souls of humanity will die as well.

    How the Soul Works

    Our mental abilities while living are somewhat different than our mental abilities as we exist in our afterlife.  In some ways our thought processes are not as acute, in other ways we have other abilities that connect us amongst a great number of people.  But this condition is not eternal, it depends upon the continued existence of people to act as the media that all people's soul lives.

    You are the dwelling for the souls of those you love, and those who have lived before them.  And the loved ones you leave behind, regardless of if they are related to you by blood, are the media within which your soul will survive.

    Relate every account that has ever been written about the soul and afterlife, and you will find this connection.

    How this is physically connected is through a known nuclear property called "quantum entanglement".  Two or more particles within our minds are connected to two or more particles in other peoples minds, and we share a portion of our subconscious minds in the form of a type of telepathy.

    This connection is stronger amongst family and especially twins.

    You can read about "quantum entanglement", just type in those keywords in any search engine.

    Value life fully, and nurture those around you, because your afterlife truely depends upon those who love you and are still living after you die.


  10. You're right.  Clearly, not everyone considers this.

  11. Yes, we never die. Some people forget that or deny it so they think life is short. My 20 year old son passed away & came back & visited me & did all kinds of things to show me he was OK. My mother-in-law is a Jehovah's witness & I was on the phone with her one day & she told me as if she was an authoritarian she said "You know you will never ever seeing him again once someone is dead they are gone forever". I can laugh about it now but 8 years ago I was very sad that she would be willing to hurt someone just for her ego...I learned to stand up to her that day & I told her that is her belief & I have a different belief. So different people believe different things & that is why they may say life is short cause they believe that.

  12. 1 life on earth is short in comparison to the eternity after that.

  13. The body is finite, and we only have one body. It's the one that currently holds our spirits now. The body dies once, that's it, the spirit is then set free forever, or it is set in bondage forever. It all depends on what you do in your body now.

    It is our appointment with death that is the finality of our husks we currently reside in and it is appointed to every man and women to die but once!

    Really ... who would want to die more than once? Who would want to come back to a body that will break, grow old, and die; over and over, again, and again? Once is enough, then the spirit rises or falls on what you do in the here and now.

    The soul is eternal, but comparatively our physical life in the secular world is short.

    Very short indeed.

    And that my friend is what "this guy thinks".

  14. Perhaps the soul is eternal, but that is hardly clear by anyone's standards.  Even if the soul is eternal, any particular body it is housed in is not.  The life that we know is short.  Whatever is beyond this particular life is "the undiscovered country from whose bourne no man returns."

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