
If the spine is fused why does it curve?

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just wanna no why the doctors say that your spine wont move when rods are taken out when it does mine has .does anyone no what maybe the cause of my spine curving. and another thing why do surgeons wait til the curve is at such of a degree before opperating. I dont understand dont you think all types of curves should be treated in some way so they dont get worse. why wait tho til it gets worse if they no it will why dont they sort it out. My surgeon has dissmisaled me now from the hospital and my curve is probably only gonna get worse. He didnt really care what i had to say. That is just mine not going on about other surgeons. i just guess he didnt have his weetabix that day




  1. I'm confused as to your problem. I had rods put in twenty years ago when I suffered a spinal cord injury. I move fairly well considering the length of my rods. If you have scoliosis and need rods to straighten your back, get another surgeon. You will feel much better. You'll breath better for sure. It is not an easy surgery and I wore a back brace for six months.

    Write again if you have any more questions.

  2. Kyphosis is a curving of the spine that causes a bowing of the back, which leads to a hunchback or slouching posture.

    Ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic disorder characterized by inflammation of the axial skeleton, large peripheral joints, and digits; nocturnal back pain; back stiffness; accentuated kyphosis; constitutional symptoms; aortitis; cardiac conduction abnormalities; and anterior uveitis. Diagnosis requires showing sacroiliitis on x-ray. Treatment is with NSAIDs or tumor necrosis factor antagonists and physical measures that maintain joint flexibility.

    Kyphosis and Ankylosing Spondylitis are interrelated.

    Consult your doctor.

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